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Hardcore Mel

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Posts posted by Hardcore Mel

  1. Why do people want to read simpler books when in an airport or on holiday??(

    because they're easy to put down and come back to at any point and when you're in an airport/travelling there's a lot of distractions. i tried reading a short history of nearly everything when i was on holiday and kept having to re-read whole pages or sections just because i'd been interrupted for my inflight meal or having to go to the gate or whatever. made reading said book pretty tricky.

  2. Ok' date=' there's the inevitable "I have a Kit Kat that MAY have a Golden Ticket in it" for sale to gullible mugs on ebay -


    But... there's also a real, live Golden Ticket on sale.


    Should we all chip in and buy it for someone here? Who should go in? Stripey for the inevitable cutting remarks & sneering contempt of others? Flash for full-on Pirate look-a-like action? Who else?

    I vote Frosty Jack, Alan Cynic or Dusty Deviada just to see some of their amazingly bad puns aired on national TV.

  3. I've been in Liquid once and was horrified - It was really sad seeing what they'd done to our Palace. It was VERY white. I remember going upstairs and not having the amazing upstairs bar and amazing music you'd hear nowhere else. The drink had tripled in price and there were no sticky carpets. I fled' date=' pining for a CD containing Sabotage, Bullet in the Head and Been Caught Stealing, and unlimited bottles of 1 Woodpecker.

    It's sad what has become of everyone's fave Aberdeen venue.........[/quote']

    awww man, more nostaligia and good memories. moshulu should do a palace tribute night one night. play all the old hits, sell all the cheap shitty booze and give a pound off entry to anyone old enough to have gone to the palace.

  4. Liquid like the old Palace? What planet are you on?

    The Palace was so much better because it had charme (yes with an e). You walked in and instantly had to climb over all the bodies in the foyer and 9 times out of 10 you'd know someone crashed out on the floor and you'd crash out there too all night.

    oh the memories. good times. i was always one of the bodies in the foyer. i have almost an entire photo album of people crashed out in the foyer.

  5. There aren't that many people with known HIV in Aberdeen (2 in every 10' date='000 according to the stat dept at the hospital). There is no way of knowing the true figure though, the test isn't easy enough to have done as the guidlines say everyone tested has to have counselling (time consuming & expensive). Men are never routinely screened, and women are only offered the chance if they are pregnant but most of the ladies dont take it up. Forget bird flu - Me thinks this could be the timebomb of the future.[/quote']

    yeah it's ridiculous that despite all the warnings about HIV and AIDS and all that's being done to help prevent the disease, in Aberdeen you have to beg to have an AIDS test done during routine STD screening. I always insist whenever I get screened, and I've never been offered counselling, not that I'd need it unless I ever (god forbid) tested positive. It hardly seems worth people taking the precaution of getting screened for STDs if they're not gonna bother testing you for everything.

  6. I'd be surprised if she noticed - the smell of rabbit piss must leave some smell.

    true. even better though because by the time she does notice, the prawns will be so rancid she'll probably have to pay for new radiators. that'd teach the bint.

  7. if you've ever had a pay monthly phone, you'll have a credit rating. i got a 0% interest credit card the first time i applied because so many lenders offer 6-9 months at 0% as a introductory rate. Egg were pretty good for this. be careful though, because they'll keep increasing your credit limit and it's very easy to get sucked into this.

  8. streaky unsmoked bacon cooked to a crisp in a soft bap (white or granary) with lettuce and ketchup


    unsmoked lean back bacon done of the george foreman a la spoonie, cooked until the fat is crispy served atop a bagel with cream cheese.

    one christmas morning my dad removed all the fat from the back bacon and then cooked it in extra virgin olive oil and made sandwiches with mozzarella and fresh basil. tomatoes were involved as well, but not on mine cos i don't like them. was like a tasty pizza/bacon sandwich combo. awesome for the hangover and the olive oil soaked onto the bread too. yummy!

  9. Take a dump under her pillow.

    A girl I know once hated her flatmate so much that on the day she moved out she pissed in her flatmate's bottle of mouthwash. Apparently she rigged up a crude funnel using materials from the bathroom.

    i still maintain right before you leave pour some frozen prawns behind the radiator. she'll never know where the smell is coming from and it'll be disgusting.

  10. https://www.landlordregistrationscotland.gov.uk/Pages/Process.aspx?Command=ShowHelpWhoRegisters

    That suggests that she would be stuffed regardless.

    Isn't the compulsory registration seperate from the requirements for properties occupied by more than 3 people who aren't related?

    From the website:

    A property is exempt from registration if it is:

    the only or main residence of the landlord' date=' where there are not more than 2 lodgers [/quote']

    so if it's her parents that own the property and not her then they should be registered.

  11. I will happily back up Oldboy, Goodbye Lenin and Run Lola Run. It's early in the morning and my brain can't remember what day it is, let alone titles of films I've seen. I'll get back to you with more once I wake up.

  12. Although' date=' to be fair, the only person there who HADN'T seen his cock at least a dozen times before was the stripper.....

    You lot got Down tix?[/quote']

    true dat. i don't. can't afford it. lucifer is talking of going but lack of organisation seems to be taking hold (as ever).

  13. Having spoken to non-fetish scene people who have attended Obedience School in the past, the recurring feedback seems to be that they were expecting it to be full of seedy old men who were only there to gawk at women wearing next to nothing, and were pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case. It's one of the most accepting and open-minded clubnights in Aberdeen, and as such, the people in attendance respect everyone else there. We've had no incidences of unwanted groping in the history of OS, and according to the doorstaff, there's never been anyone thrown out of an OS night, simply because there's no one there to cause trouble.

  14. it reminds me of "I AM"' date=' the french rap group, the beats are pretty good, but the rapping is a bit sub standard (accents or no), I agree they have potential though, I bet you h8ers can't rap for toffee....[/quote']

    hey you should hear me work ice ice baby at karaoke on a wednesday :p

  15. Yes - my lovely impractical birthday boots that some of the girlies bought me last year. I am a high heeled expert of many years but these aren't really designed for hiking around town and I want an occasion to wear them somewhere other than the house!!!

    they're gorgeous!

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