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unbroken last won the day on March 10 2009

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About unbroken

  • Birthday 10/08/1986

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  1. We recently released a new split tape with a band from Manchester called Esoteric Youth on Church of Fuck records. Pre-orders sold out pretty quickly, so we figured we would put our side of the split up for free download, or pay what you want if you will... There are a few tapes available still, and they are available for purchase, but being the format that it is, it is understandably a niche market, so help yourself to a free download. http://preludetothehunt.bandcamp.com/ One original, one cover. Spread the word, and thanks!
  2. Thinking about parting with my Orange. It was bought new from Kenny's music in Dundee in 2010 and has performed horrendously well in the time I have had it. No problems at all. I am looking for around £750 for it, and that will be with a fresh set of Sovtek KT88's for you to put in should you desire it.
  3. Currently, for prelude to the hunt, my rig goes like this: Fender Mexican Telecaster/Epiphone Black Beauty Custom > Boss TU2 > Providence Stampede SDT-1 > Line 6 DL4 > 1970's Ampeg V4B/Orange Rocker 50 MKII > Marshall JCM800 cab/Orange 4x12
  4. That fuzz I got is power supply only, which is a shame, as I'd like to try the dying batteries trick. I was looking into potentially getting one of those Diago power supplies, as they are MUCH cheaper. Any info on those anyone?
  5. Cool, so if I was to run say 4 Or 5 boss style pedals, a line 6 dl4, and a rat, it should be all good?
  6. Also, hoy many can I power off of this, 6 max? Or can I daisy chain them and power more?
  7. i will keep an eye out. I need one, but not for the full price of £140 or whatever they are.
  8. I'm trying to think of all the albums I like that came out this year, and I'm struggling. Off the top of my head: Sleep - Dopesmoker reissue (this counts) Mark Eitzel - Don't Be A Stranger High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis Godspeed! You Black Emperor - Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! (this one surprised me! Amazing!) Swans - The Seer Propagandhi - Failed States Alcest - Les Voyages De L'ame Leviathan - True Traitor, True Whore Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind Off the top of my head, those are awesome. Still to come, we have Neurosis, Pig Destroyer, Amenra. Fantastic year for music so far!
  9. Thank you very much! You should come see it live. THAT is loud ;p
  10. I'd be willing to try it if I could. I mean, it already sounds fantastic, but yeah. That will be my next purchase, a good power supply so I can start putting a pedal board together. Those Voodoo Labs ones are BLODDY EXPENSIVE though. Jeez.
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