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Posts posted by Spoonie

  1. what about the 3mm stubby's. it's like using a car door instead of a pick!

    in answer tho, i use an orange jim dunlop in a gague they've stopped making. i've had it for about 4 years and it's still looking grand! one pick is all a man needs!

    i also use the pickboy carbon/nylon ones but they stopped making them too!



  2. i guess it does depend largely on the style of the music being played. bass drives the sound in funk/soul whereas sits more into the background in punk etc. a tight bass/drum combo makes a pretty good basis for a band but you still need flair to come from somewhere.



  3. as has been said already, bass and guitar serve different purposes in a band. i've been playing bass for about 6 years and i can't play guitar past a few basic chords, but that's because i've never sat down and really tried to learn and master like i did in my early bass playing days. there are undoubtedly more shit bass players in bands then there are shit guitarists and it's far easier to cover a poor bass player in a band then a poor guitarist, but that doesnt necessarily make it easier.

    i would have to say in all seriousness that playing bass is easier than guitar, but i'd also say that bass playing can go from the simplest little run which enhances a song so much, right up to some crazy jaco pastorius shit and still make a noticable difference to a song, and that's why i prefer bass. it's not all about trying to be john petrucci, it's often the simplest stuff that sounds the best.

    to my mind, bass players are sophisticated and delicate and guitarists are benders. just take dan atom as an example. he's a right bender!



  4. i bet the demo's of it sound ace. not that i've heard them. but if i had, i'd think they were meaty as a tin of butchers! also, i might (had i heard them) wonder how mac manages to play a solo without hitting a single right note!

    but of course, i'd have to hear them first before i could comment



  5. i'd go with hendrix, but it's mostly because i've grown up listening to him. to me, hendrix put more felling and soul in what he played than petrucci does. i'm certainly in awe of petrucci's actual ability because he has incredible control and speed which has taken years and years of dedication to achieve, but for me, that doesn't necessarily make him the better player. being fast doesn't necessarily equate to being good. take for example a comparison between kerry king and dimebag. kerry can play every note on the neck at a hundred miles an hour but i'd rather listen to dimebag because he chooses the notes more carefully and makes each one count.

    at the end of the day tho, it's a very personal thing. i love hendrix's stuff more than any other musicians output and although i'm appreciative of the technical abilities of dream theater's musicians, i'm not a big fan of their output, which will clearly make me biased. in the same way, i love pantera but don't like slayer.

    which is what makes the world interesting!



  6. i was at the gig and if weapon and 10easy weren't there, you would have had about 10 people through the door. it's a pretty poor situation for the band to find themselves in. nonetheless, the boys were easy the best organised and most professional looing aberdeen band i've come across. they played a great set and did themselves proud. they also got to play a gig with a band who mean a lot to them and although it's not an ideal situation, they got through it and came out on top. as long as they're aware of the situation and keep their eyes open, they'll get on just fine. they seem to be pretty in control of their affairs.



    p.s. the queers were baws!!! :D

  7. 24/7 wombat action! i've not got mymindsweapon on my list because my stint with them was short lived! i was the drummer for a night. we never got a chance to gig. or rehearse.

    it would have been great tho!

    and as for festr, well they're baws!



  8. The dates we've played in the old drakes seem to have been as follows:

    10 Feb 2001: Double Header with Black Atom

    31 March 2001: Another Double header with Black Atom!

    8 September 2001: FeSTR with Aether of Glasgow

    29 December 2001: AUBLooza

    but we also did gigs with liber8 and all sorts. there was a while in about 2001 where every single weekend it seemed like FeSTR, black atom, liber8, quik or risactonia were playing. you could go in on a saturday night and guarantee that you'd see one of those bands. the intimacy of the old vennue was awesome. it would be packed full of your friends and there was never any trouble there. those last couple of years at school were the best fun ever.

    i also played an all day aubl event for black atom when erskine was away. i remember heading up to aberdeen one night for a a meeting there with big bad and the officer brothers and a few others when we were trying to get that all day beach ballroom event going, that would have been the greatest all dayer ever. maple were headlining and we were second last on. it was all gonna be so sexy, but it just never got off the ground. a real shame too!

    the old drakes was an amazing place. i spent some fantastic times there. at one of the gigs we did with he atom they organised these fire eaters to do their thing outside the door to encourage people to come in. it was just a great feeling of community when you were at a gig.

    fuckin ace!



  9. i think fat hippy stuff is the bomb. it's taken decent bands from aberdeen. given them a chance to record something worthwhile and made it available all over scotland. no band has lost out financially and every FH cd that's bought means the music buying public has another pair of eyes on what's happening in aberdeen. a lot of it has happened through friendship and association which will annoy people who haven't been initially involved, but as has already been said, speak to tom and tell him what you think and share your ideas and plans. he's the kind of person that will make the effort to help you at no financial benefit to himself, like AUBL have done with the atom and HMG. see how many other people would help you in the same way

    and whether the CD's are each covered with a salvador dali original or a shitstained piece of toliet roll makes no difference to anyone apart from FH and the band involved. if you don't like it, no-one's forcign you to buy it.



  10. Megalord can be used but i'll be looking for some kind of compensation. that was meant to be my band!

    hows about:

    "Shattered Heart"


    "Hammer Falls"


    "From the Shire to the crypt!"


    "Erskine, there's the police. Just keep down.........................

    Erskine what are you doing? Why are you giving chase and shining your lights full beam into their rear window?

    Erskine, you're a bellend!"



  11. i think we should remove all the forums and then just put up a link to PM neil and whenever you have something to say, just PM him and that way, no-one will be able to prove any points or start any discussions. in fact, just take off the first page and replace it with a link to PMneil.com to save space. then neil can sell the extra hardware he's had to buy and get himself a new hat



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