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Posts posted by Spoonie

  1. it's not the kind of thing i'd be rushing out to buy but i enjoyed listening to it. the sound quality is pretty dire as i'd have expected from streamed music but i'd imagine it sounding pretty good live and on a decent recording. again, the screaming isn't to my taste and i'd struggle to listen to a whole album or a whole gig of that but the overall sound has got a lot of power behind it. the bass playing is solid as is the guitar work. i'd bring the snare down in the mix a bit too, but all in all, i enjoyed the listen.



  2. the glasgow university student radio station broadcasts on FM in the west end of glasgow for 4 weeks a year but is available the rest of the time on www.subcity.org. well worth a listen. admittedly there's some shite, but when you've got 'offthehinges with spoonie and troutfish' on friday from 3-4 with such features as biscuit of the week, romeowatch and the will smith moment, you know you're onto a winner!

    get tuned in and share your thoughts with us. if you miss the show and fancy hearing what it's all about, subcity.org now offers a listen again feature. you might find yourself amused by the stupidity of offthehinges or the offensive nature and hilarious prank phonecalls of the happy hardcore show on a monday night.

    also, there's a show called the city sessions on tuesday 8-10 which has live sessions from such bands as the needles and fickle public.

    keep it fresh




  3. i hope he will. i spoke to him about a week prior to the gig when i was getting the lyrics sorted to send to murray and when i told him we were gonna be having keyboards he was gutted!

    i'm just about to txt you to get a copy of that recording for the wife. she's yet to hear us live and would be most interested to get a listen

    cheers again for coming big lad. it was good to see you again and i'll be up visiting soon.

    big love



  4. nope, that's len the drummer from black atom. we all went to school together and he's an immensely talented guy so when we had to go without fish, i decided to go all out and get keyboards in. it's something we'd always talked about but never done so it was cool! cheesetastic at times but that's the way we like it!



  5. it was 'call waiting' from our multi-platinum, rubin-produced ep 'last of the silent drivebys'. we had murray x-certs on vox and i asked jamesy to scream over it because of some banter we'd had a wee while ago about getting him to guest on a song. so he did. and he screamed much, as requested!



  6. there have been a lot of great times to remember. the fudge guys have done a lot for us and heaps of other bands and i feel it goes largely unappreciated so i thought i'd share some of my memories.i miss so many of their gigs while i'm away and aberdeen is lucky to have those guys.



  7. we had a blast too. cheers to all the other bands

    broken sunshine were so little and cute and lovely and they were so enthusiastic about what they did that it was a pleasure to watch them.

    deadloss ripped it up big style, in the way you'd expect! caroline's eyes is a diamond of a tune. dirty and raw with the bass dragging in through by the balls all the way.

    cayto were ace too. the keys sounded meaty and there were some really nice basslines. i was watching their their bass player for most of the set because she had this really unusual, gentle style of playing. they were a pleasure to listen to

    and we had a blast. it was wicked to play with some more of our friends and get jamesy up for a good old fashioned scream!

    cheers to murray, mac and len for playing with us and cheers again to fudge for putting it on.

    also, a big thank you to all those who stayed to watch us too because shen we got told we were on last, we had a bad feeling that everyone would bugger off home but we still had a good number to play to.

    much love



  8. is the bus thing in relation to the pelican clubs 1999 battle of the bands competition where we travelled en masse in a nicolls minibus to help them win with our underager voting ability!

    we went home with fred robbie and fish spewed all over my bathroom!

    it's not like FeSTR did the same things a few weeks later!



  9. it all depends on the size of thing and the reasons you're organising it as to whether it's a difficult thing to organise. everyone knows someone who's got a field and someone who's got a PA system or a generator and if you just want to have a few bands in a field in the middle of nowhere for your own amusement, then it's not gonna be that hard to organise, but if you're wanting to do it really big in terms of crowds and having a good equipment set up etc, then you'll need to spend money which means you'll need to make money from tickets and as soon as you're charging people, there's a degree of responsibility for their safety which brings with it the need for security and toilet facilities etc.

    back in 2001 me, bigbad, chris, dave, the AUBL guys, ben etc looked into organising an all dayer at the beach ballroom and it was basically scrapped because the costs were so high we'd have needed to pull a massive crowd which local bands couldn't have managed to pull. image that problem minus the cost of renting the venue but plus the cost of constructing a stage outdoors which is useable in all weathers so as to avoid killing people via electrocution or having to cancel at the slightest hint of rain

    i'm not bein pessimistic here, just realistic. people have outdoor festivals all the time and it's doable, but you need some serious organisatinal stuff going on for a long time before and if you're doing it seriously, you need working capital to get the project off the ground in the first place.

    set up a committee now, organise a series of fundraising gigs throughout the next 12 months and begingn liasing with the council to get the thing organised for next summer and you're in with a pretty good chance of getting it done.



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