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Fast Caz

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Everything posted by Fast Caz

  1. Nah your not too old to be missing these bands. nothing that great has came up here in a while. Extreme Noise Terror aswell FUCK !
  2. Bill Steer or Ken Owens Electro Hippies are awesome and doom aswell I thank John Peel for getting me into these bands
  3. I will keep this thread opne for while this is the most decent thread for quite some time.
  4. my bad then yeah i think they pretty much went into the first studio they found and recorded it. and plus they also recorded it completely live so that would also affect the sound
  5. yeah Carcass hated that guy after they finished the tour for Reek of Putrefaction
  6. Yeah they were sponsered by Games workshop killer artwork tho
  7. Nothing wrong with liking a large heap of variety. Yeah man thats the same with Carcass their first two albums would be even better if the production guy wasn't an asshole and not do a thing to it. but i guess thats why alot of the old albums are legendry have a certain sound to it.
  8. Scott burn ..... nah he wrecked the morbid Angel sound wouldn't him doing that to you guys lol
  9. Yeah Andy Sneap was in Skyclad I say you MMW boys fly over to Florida to morrisounds studios and get them to mix the album
  10. what so you say that you can completely change the kick sound with pecific mics ?
  11. Girl in bolt thrower?? might have been a girl in the band the girl in sinister is rather tasty
  12. I used to think you were a pretty cool guy it sounds like tere was a good metal up here every week or so as long as Morbid Angel or Celtic Frsot aint bee up here then i will put my axe down
  13. I reckon i will do cause they both sound like epic albums Cheers guys.
  14. Fucking Christian Death aswell
  15. I will get Icon and Draconian Times and get back to you both .
  16. Even tho i wasn't alive for most of it 1986 - 1994 was the best of it it went from Celtic Frost - 1986 Carcass/Napalm Death - 1988 Cannibal Corpse/Pungent Stench/Autopsy - 1990 and after it was Carcass and napalm death again and after it all the death metal stuff lost its touch and all sounded the same
  17. Reformed Obituary soon like lol they are playing a few dates in USA Carcass will never reform wouldn't be good for them lol
  18. Dranonian Times ... what is the album cover like ? i think the cavern may have it in
  19. Cancer aswell ...... DAMMIT
  20. "But even though I was into them, I was still kinda young and no one else I knew would go to those sort of gigs! Exactly the state i am in now.
  21. The older Paradise lost was quite good i have some of their songs on a peacevile sampler Dan and Ben what would their best album to check out?
  22. so what do i do just come in with a list or something?
  23. fuck i wish i was the age i am now back then. paradise lost/bolt thrower/napalm death/carcass i missed out
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