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Posts posted by David

  1. playing guitar always works for me, pretty much any mood you can be in guitar can be a good way to relax or get rid of some aggression or just have fun jumping around

    i quite like going out on my bike too, just going out riding to get rid of some energy and inwind a bit - kees you healthy too


  2. I use the "loud" setting...gain about mid way.I have the compressor about 3/4 of the way round.And yeah the noise dissapears when i turn the volume down...it's just when i stop a note it happens...last about 2 secondsish

    try backing off the compressor a little, they way they work they tend to amplify some noise

    also, what eq are you using? turning the treble up high will boost high end noise too


  3. Why? This seems to have been an A-M gripe for years. Can someone explain it?

    I'd hate to think I'm seen as un-cool and not "down with the scene" without actually knowing what it is I'm doing wrong.

    its not an aberdeen music only thing, i have seen it mentioned a few other places as a thing you just shouldnt do, apparently one of the 'unwritten rules' (always help people who have fallen, etc...)


  4. if you are buying parts in maplins, dont go up to teh counter with a list of stuff, have a look through the catalouge (there are ones in store, you can buy one for a few quid or online) and look through and find all the parts you need there (type and value and whatnot) then take that to the counter, and they just need to find that code

    i usually end up with them not having a few of the parts i have wanted, so have had to jump back and forth to the catalouge looking for equivalents (different types of cap - ceramic or film or whatever) while they are still looking for other bits

    i did have a problem trying to get resisters, when quite a few times i have been given 3 ohm resisters instead of 3mega ohm (whihc i only found out whe i got home as i cant read colour codes by heart - a journey all the way there for 3 7p parts, seems a bit stupid) so always make sure and point out its mega not kilo or just ohms

    for building pedals, the biggest parts maplins wont have are switches (they have dpdt, but you need a 3pdt if you want true bypass and led) 2.1mm dc jacks (i think they may have uninsulated, which you would then need washers and other stuff for) and led bezels (whihc are in teh catalouge, butthey have never had in stock)

    i have used www.cricklewoodelectronics.co.uk for the led bezels and other components, and both www.wah-wah.co.uk and www.monkeyfx.co.uk for dc jacks and switches


  5. what sort of settings are you using?

    using very high gain settings will introduce noise, like the fuzz settings or metal style ones, if you are running the gain flat out that could be one source

    another would be the compressor, how do you have that set (if you use it) using high settings on that will add some noise to the signal (amplified by using a distortion patch)

    does the noise dissappear when you roll off the volume completely?


  6. w00t! So it's the same circuit then. I saw the ggg schematic' date=' but all the disorderly wires, barely visible cyan, and overtyped "GENERALGUITARGADGETS.COM" caused me to look away in immediate terror at the (seemingly) massive complexity. Oh well. I'm going to convince my dad to drive me to Maplins tomorrow, try to find a metal case there (would they have any?) and the great Big Muff build will begin.[/quote']

    maplins have some decent cases, the ones i always use are the same width/length as a mxr pedal, but taller, and solidly built, i think they are about 6.

    i would check the website to make sure maplins stock all the parts you need, i have gone to get parts before to find that they didnt stock the transisters i wanted (MPSA13, for a bazz fuss)

    its also a good idea to work out all the parts you want in advance, saves you spending hours there trying to find caps and everything in the right sizes and whatnot (as there are quite a few different types, and not all come in the values you want)

    on the stripboard layout for the muff, the red square/dot bits are where you cut the tracks, use a knife or something sharpish to scrape away the copper so it splits the track in two at that point, so if you look at the top left corner, 9v is only connected to the resister, not the capacitor a few spaces down that track.

    building a box to change the jack should be easy enough, it just would be a case of finding the right jack and wiring it directly to a 1/4 one, piss easy to make as long as you can work out what the jack is

    45 for a big muff isnt bad at all, depends if you prefer to save 20 and build it yourself, or save a few hours of your time and buy premade, i will have to try building one sometime though, just to see how it compared to the monkeyfuzzle3 (www.monkeyfx.co.uk )

    i intend building the bazz fuss i liked to above sometime soon, then use a load of switches to change clipping diodes and input/output caps and so on, so i can completely change the sound of it (even though i will probably use one or two sounds if any - still interesting to do) to suit what i am playing, switching the led can change the amount and type of gain it has, a 1N34A will have a lot more gain than an led, which will be a more overdrivey sound

    the offboard wiring will be quite fun, it will be interesting to do at least, even if i do rebuild it later to just a couple of the settings i use


  7. that sustainer looks very interesting, though i cant be bothered wading through just under a thousand posts for the schematics/designs of it

    my strat needs new pickups and stuff soon (when i can get them past my paretns) but that would be interesting to try beforehand

    big muffs are sweet, i might have to try building one sometime, i have been playing with fuzzes a lot recently and would like to compare one to what i have, there is a nice us one sitting in cash converters for 45, but i hwould have no chance of getting that past the parents (someone please buy it soon before i am tempted to)


  8. stripboard is pretty cool, though you do need to plan in advance to get everythign wired properly

    another similar option (which i have forgotten the name of) is exactly the same, but minus the metal strips on one side, so you put the components legs through the holes then wire the legs directly together to make the circuit, simple to do and maplins have big boards for pretty cheap, buy a big board then just cut it down to the size you want


  9. a digital delay with a high cut mod will go a long way to the analouge's sound (ie treble getting rolled off as it delays) you can get mods for the boss dd-x pedals to do this

    you should easily be able to get a replacement adapter for foreign climates, i dont know specifically about the dmm, bt you can definately get replacement adapters for ehx pedals, check what the supply it needs is, if its a dc voltage then you should be able to get a foreign adapter, if its ac there may be problems, and you would need to use a converter or similar

    if you are buying a dmm, the new ones are supposed to be better than the older ones, before you go on a hunt for a mojo filled vintage pedal.


  10. i ordered the who's who;s next and quadraphenia off amazon last week

    both excellent albums, i didnt really appreciate quite how good the who were, keith moons drumming is all over the place, rolls and fills everywhere and him banging away seemingly at random, yet it works perfectly in the who. and john entwhistles bass, always playing exactly what the songs needs, sometimes just simple rhythm, sometimes harmony or even lead. married to a great singer and one of the greatest songwriters ever... perfect


  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=41415&item=3768382328

    the old mxr analouge delay.

    you just need to put it in a case with pots footswitch and output jack and connect them up.

    also' date=' youl need to put a power adapter on it.

    i think the power supply is built into the board, but its built for american supply. all you need to do is find out where the power rails are and attach a power socket, and use a wallwart from maplin.[/quote']

    that delay is actually a digital one, just uning the circuitry and board form an mxr analouge one, with a new delay chip

    out of the two, the EHX would probably be best, slightly more delay time and it is generally regarded as an awesome delay pedal

    the ibanez only has 350 ms delay time, the mods at www.robaertkeeley.com look awesome though, but pretty expensive

    if you look on ebay, older boss DM-2's and DM-3's appear and are regarded as excellent delays, and there are some older DOD and arion ones that are supposed to be cheaper alternatives, the dmm looks great though

    do you really need an analouge delay though, digital ones can get muchlonger delay times at much better qualitys (and many can be modded for more 'analouge' sounds) and are much more available


  12. i dont think you can ever really say they improved, as so much of it depends on your opinions and views of their albums

    muse is a good example, with showbiz - origon of symmetry - absolution, they have definately got more ambitious with each one and tried to impove the sound, but it is a personal opinion whether you prefer the sounds of absolution to symmetry...

    radioheads first three albums all improved on each other, pablo honey was an excellent album with some brilliant songs on it, the bends improved and sounded a lot more individual and 'radiohead', then ok computer is one of the best albums about (in my opinion, and from quite a few of the polls you see in magazines/on channel 4)

    whether things went up from there or down is down to whether you liked the change in direction they took after that

    metallicas first three albums did that too, kill em all is a brilliant thrash album, ride the lightning improved on it and had more of the 'metallica' sound, and master of puppets is one of the finest metal albums of all time, what came after is a personal opinion


  13. www.monkeyfx.co.uk do some decent cables, using top notch parts, and not too expensive

    the other alternative is to make your own, if you can solder its piss easy, and fairly cheap (depending on what parts you use and if you buy in bulk or anything)

    i like the planet waves cables i have had, i had one that started dieing (crackling if you stopped playing and wiggled it, though it still worked well enough) so i just got it switched for a new one under the lifetime warranty planet waves have, i just took it back to the shop, they sent it off no questions asked and i got a replacement sent out


  14. I know splitting the signal and distorting one feed works' date=' I'm just not sure if splitting it with a x-over would give satisfactory results, mainly because I've never seen anyone else do it yet, which makes me wonder why not.[/quote']

    i think the bass would be the wrong levels for it, as crossovers are used in pa's, so will work on at least line level, so you would want something boosting it beforehand at least

    for an electronics project at school i was making a pedal that used filters and so on to put a fuzz on only the treble side fo the signal and leave the bass clean (designed for guitar frequencys, though that could be changed)

    i really need to get around to redoing that, as my first attemp at building it failed...


  15. like the bottle of etching liquid and an etching tray? for the grand total of 7 pounds?


    there are other ways of doing the etch resistant stuff, i am sure i read somewhere about using marker pens of some sort to draw the traces with, and the chemicals to burn off the rest

    not sure if you would need different chemicals or special pens or anything, and press and peel would probably be a lot neater


  16. Our guitarist has one... we've used it for the synth before... it creates some bizarre noise. It's like your under attack from aliens.

    which one?

    the moogerfoogers are a range of pedals - phaser, ring mod, murf, etc...

    or are you meaning a moog synth?


  17. to my knowledge the bassist in muse uses a big muff pi

    i have been trying to find a good fuzzy bass sound too lately

    the proco rat is quite nice on bass, not exactly the sound i am trying to find myself, but the best out of the pedals i have, and definately worth a try at least (i have tried a high quality fuzz face clone, zvex fuzz factory, rat, marshall amp)

    i am intending making a fuzz pedal sometime, so i will see how well that works on bass

    if you can afford it, the zvex wooly mammoth looks awesome, only problems being the price (200 odd i think) and the lack of an led (which should be fixed soetime soon)

    one thing i would like to try is something to put half the signal through the fuzz, but leave half of it clean, so you get both the nice fuzzy sound, but also the clear defined clean sound, another diy plan for the future...


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