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Posts posted by *Amy*

  1. I put down 'neurosurgeon' for my careers meeting and got a mock interview at the hospital. I was too scared to go, so didn't. I was trying to have a laugh.

    I wanted to be a dentist for quite a bit but that soon changed to haven't got a clue. Over the past few years I've given teaching some thought but I'd like to get uni out of the way, save up some cash, go travel for a while then decide.

  2. I'd seen it advertised on a thread here and a couple of posters in the Bassment and Moshulu. They were there, not dominant enuogh though. I did expect it to be busier, even with the snow and the Tunnels gig. I did wonder if it was still going ahead but the snow's nae what it was back in the day now.

    Anyways, I fairly enjoyed the gig. We literally just sat down in the Bassment and Mirimar Disaster came on, so I didn't see a second of that. Going on Vis' description though, I don't think that's a bad thing for me.

    Chris Clark was pretty fucking good, was he? Very enjoyable, particularly the jungle/bhangra beats. A couple of songs I thought dragged a bit, y'know, quit while your ahead and all. But overall, interesting, exciting stuff.

    As for 65 days, brilliant. Good things come to those who wait; I hadn't seen them before. So much passion and energy. Totally enjoyable to watch and a bunch of gems live. I had a permanent grin for the whole set. The drumming was indeed magic, that's rhythm I can only dream of.

    Beats building a snowman anyway :up:

  3. We stood in the queue for Exodus for at least half an hour to be told at the door we had to go back to the end of the queue due to someone saying we'd barged toward the front. Bollocks. We were bloody frozen. The bouncer refused to give us a reason for not letting us in. "I don't have to, I just have the right to refuse you entry". I was so pissed off - not even in a state or casuing any trouble. So we headed to a bit of a quiet Moshulu for some backroom banter. Lovely way to finish the evening.

    As for the awards, I had a really good time. As always, it's grand to see folk in their finery. The speeches weren't up to much though, booo! Quite enjoyed The Edgar Prais. Certainly a bit of a change for Aberdeen and a nice way to start the night off. Fickle Public were fantastic as usual. Wonderful tunes and a total joy to watch. Thumbs up all around. Unfortunately, I only saw the first few Weapon songs. I haven't seen them for quite a while but I was needed elsewhere.

    Well done Fudge :)

  4. Haha, like how this thread's going :p

    I've met Cameron in Tescos some time around Xmas '04 with his mum. He was pretty nice and she was totally chuffed that people were speaking to him. Bless. I've spied him in town too, just shopping mind, and he doesn't seem that bad. Can't say I read his column at all.

  5. Oh, this is wonderful. I didn't want to expect too much but I am loving this. I agree, it's kinda picked up where Beat Heart, Beat left off, which is very much wonderful. Totally looking forward to the Tunnels gig, not too fan away :)

    Cinders gets my biggest vote at the moment. Check it out.

  6. Like someone said earlier, it shouldn't matter. Yes, you can say that it would open up younger one's ears to other music, but take a good percentage of Stayover (to use as an example, seeing as Milner started the thread about his band) fans who can be seen at Stayover gigs only, which is a shame. And as 'Cocoass said, younger crowds can be a pain in the arse. Mind you, a lot of kids are much more well-mannered and better company than many oldies...

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