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Posts posted by *Amy*

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing this. It was all very exciting when the camera crew were at the Quik comeback gig at Moshulu earlier in the year.

    8.30pm on Tuesday - 'Teacher Teacher'; Six students aged 21 to 40 sign up to become secondary teachers. They include three mothers, an ex-slaughterman and a punk band leader.

  2. From reading this it seems that Myspace can be useful if used correctly. One major problem is that I stil cant listen to any songs which is the main reason I go on to bands Myspace pages! :down: Its like having a car with no wheels

    Sometimes the player that hosts the songs goes down so nothing playes. The errors and maintenance messages are so annoying. But aye, it's an alright site. I've discovered a bunch of ace bands and met some nice people from Aberdeen off it too.

  3. As I said in another of these threads, we could all argue until we're blue in the face. I don't smoke and I am certainly looking forward to the ban. I'm not a fan of the croaky throat every Saturday/Sunday morning. I wouldn't object to smoking rooms in pubs/clubs but staff would still be working in among the smokers.

    I was in Dublin a couple of months ago. It was bliss. We came in and out of loads of pubs, feeling fresh and did not come across any trouble, even in the early hours. Those smokers within a group were out together just enjoying a cigarette, no harm there.

  4. I'm sure this is the same woman we're on about here - black and yellow Nike jacket, jah? I was on my way into town from uni one day when she stopped and asked for some money for some fags but I told her I wouldn't contribute to her bad habit as she was already telling me she was ill. She proceeded to tell me about the benefits she's on and how she "still gets it" from her man. Gadz.

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