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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Rock and Oyster for seafood, however if your after seafood then the Creel Inn at stonehaven is worth the trip.


     Creel Inn is in Catterline.


    The Tolbooth is a decent seafood restaurant in Stoney though.  Marine and the Ship Inn are also good.

  2. I have not seen much recently but did catch Lizabett Russo supporting Rachel Sermanni the other night. She's improved a lot since last time I saw her, obviously been gigging heaps and it's really showing in her confidence.  Jazz (sorry Jan) influenced folk. Lots of wailing vocals and some kazoo action. Bought her EP as well and was really enjoying it in the car this morning.



  3. What the fuck? I fear James Corden is gonna get absolutely lampooned. Americans are weirdly racist when it comes to English people and prime time TV. Piers Morgan, Russel Brand, Ricky Gervais... they all get the same reaction of 'the Limey nobody's heard of' or 'Send him back home'. Taking over from Craig Ferguson is a huge gig and as much as I don't really care for James Corden's output as a TV presenter thus far I hope he does well so this attitude can stop. 


    John Oliver seems to be doing alright, building a good reputation.

  4. Is salty porridge a Scottish thing? Seems common around these parts, but totally alien to me, and my palette doesn't appreciate it. Folk at work seem to have their salty porridge oats with water and not milk. Isn't that essentially gruel?


    Purists say that porridge should only be made with water, oats and salt.  That's what's traditional.  Gruel is just very thin porridge.


    Normally I'm all for tradition but for porridge I love it made with milk and with a spoonful of raspberry jam stirred in.

  5. I've been meaning to write about Pain & Gain, which I watched a couple of weeks ago. Not something i'd ever consider sticking on myself but someone put it on as a bit of background filler and I ended up loving it. It's Walberg, The Rock and a guy who's name I forget who play meathead criminals running a kidnapping scheme. It seemed like your bog standard action comedy at first but it turned into a very funny, self-conscious and smart film. Everything from the cast, the title and the poster made me think I'd hate the film and that it'd be aimed at the fast and furious gym rat lad crowd but it totally wasn't and I thoroughly recommend it. The whole cast is actually pretty fantastic. 




    The Rock makes that film.

  6. Kick Ass 2


    Nae as good as the first one. Not as sharp or funny.


    2 guns


    Comedy action thriller with Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg.  Wise cracks aplenty, lots of people (and poultry) getting shot and just the barest bones of a plot centering on a bank heist which ends up ripping off much more than originally planned. Everyone get's betrayed by everyone else before getting back together for a predictable climax scene.  It's a solid film, would watch again if I caught it on a late night repeat with nothing else to do.

  7. So my Tuesday sucked in a variety of ways, but fuck if I didn't knock close to three minutes off my 5k time tonight. Whatever, ran it in 27m45s so pretty pleased with that!


    Some nights are just like that. PBs in training can be really frustrating. I've had them after nightmare sessions where I thought I had no chance and other times I've hit a PB after an "easy" run where I barely felt like I was trying.  The main thing is you're getting faster! Well done!

  8. People who have gone from 5k to 10k - intervals or just adding distance/time and running continuously? Is there one method better than the other or does it vary person to person? I tried the first day of an interval based training program and couldn't finish the last 10 minute run, although I felt I could have run for 35-40 minutes without stopping to walk no problem. Just wondered if anyone had advice on the best approach?


    Intervals are great, they really are, but they suck at the time.  


    The biggest factor for increasing distance is simply running more.  If I was you I would maybe do intervals once a week or even once a fortnight and concentrate on just getting out and doing the miles. Start adding a long run at weekends, this should be run at a slow pace (1-2 mins per mile slower than your 5k pace). Start at 4 miles, do that for a couple of weeks then gradually increase it to 4.5, 5 then try a 6.  Keeping it slow and easy, with rest stops if you need.


    Along with that through the week I'd keep running 5k loops at almost race pace two or three days and try and vary the sessions for terrain (try some trail running or a route with some small hills).


    Like I say, keep the intervals in, they're great for developing aerobic capacity and training you to run faster. But don't worry too much about basing your whole schedule around them. Best thing is to get the miles in and try and keep things varied and interesting.

  9. Running in heat and humidity is murder. Especially when around here we spend most of the year running in weather that barely gets above 13 degrees C.


    I've been taking it easy since Stoney as we've been busy with other stuff but went out and did two reps of Scolty hill tonight. Felt really good. Was great to do a run that didn't take 2 hours after all the half marathon stuff recently!

  10. Right team won I think. Consistently the best team in the tournament and that was a peach of a goal to win.  


    Argentina were pretty disappointing.  Created chances but to go 120 minutes without a single shot on target in the biggest game of your life simply isn't good enough.

  11. Soft butteries for me, though I've given up being picky and trying to specify that when I visit Aitken's. So often get the crispy ones.  As long as it's not the dry cardboard that JG Ross pollute supermarket shelves and workplace cafeterias with then I'm happy.


    Almost always eat them dry, but now and then (especially with the aforementioned cardboard, which improves with a bit of heat) toasted with some butter.  Fond memories of going round to my gran's when I was wee for my fly and having toasted butteries spread with butter.


    Once ate some butteries with pate spread over.  That worked pretty damn well too.

  12. Froome's out! 3 crashes in two days has taken it's toll by the looks of things and he quit before even getting to the cobbles.  Sounds like today's stage has been just as chaotic as the organisers promised.  Crashes every few minutes before they even reach the sections of cobbles.  Hope they haven't harmed the rest of the tour too much. Would be a shame to see a decimated peloton after one early stage.

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