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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Agreed with everything you said about Fargo, Chris. (well not the wolf stuff, I didn't think about that at all). 


    I probably wouldn't have noticed it but because we'd been away we were catching up on the last couple of episode immediately before watching the finale, so it was fresh in my mind.

  2. Fargo finished on C4 last night.  Absolutely perfect. It's been a brilliant series. Kind of hope they stick to the one off mini-series rather than bring it back for a second go as I can't see what they could do or where they could go that would be as good again.


    Was fucking tense through some of the finale last night,

    Amazed at the depths Lester stooped to, sending his wife in to get murdered by Malvo instead of him. Then when I thought he might break and just admit everything to get help from Saulverson he just kept on being a squirmy little shit.  Good ending for him on the thin ice.  


    Got really worried for Gus when he went in the cabin. Couldn't see it working out well for him and was all ready for a bittersweet ending with at least one of the "nice" characters being killed off but in the end I liked that it was him that got the moment to finish Malvo after Lester had wounded him.


    Weirdest moment for me - at the end of the second last episode when Malvo emerged from the shop after shooting Lester's wife and lit up a cigarette I got a mental image of a wolf howling after making a kill (think it was the way he took the first puff).  Then in the last episode they use a wolf in the road to get Gus' attention before he spot's Malvo's cabin.  


    Felt bad for the feds. Incompetent to the end.  Also felt bad for Bill as he finally realised how bad he was as a cop.

  3. It's just two weeks until the TdF 2014 starts in Yorkshire. Looks like a pretty hilly route this year so Chris Froome is probably the favourite again this year, but here's hoping the other teams are learning from Sky's success in recent years and can make a good fight of it.


    Also hope to see a good fight for the green jersey between Cavendish, Kittel and Sagan again.  Came across some on board videos of end of stage sprints and it looks fucking scary. Was going to post them in the ace-ic thread but figured the TdF deserved a dedicated thread in the sports section.


    To compare here's the TV coverage



    And another one featuring Cav

  4. I've been away on the west coast for the last 9 days. Did a bit of hill walking and managed to sneak a 5k run while I was on Lewis then on Saturday I did the Skye half marathon.


    Now everyone told me it was hilly and the back half of the course would be tough. We drove in off the ferry from Lewis the night before along the course and the hill didn't seem that bad in the car. Forecast was overcast and mild so I was hoping for a good day.


    Just as the race started the sun came out and then we hit the first big climb. I was feeling the heat but my legs felt good so I made the most of it and pushed my pace a wee bit and found I was passing LOADS of people without any problems. But that's not uncommon at races with no time segregation at the start so I just enjoyed it.  Then at around the halfway mark I started feeling pretty terrible. The humidity was really getting to me, when the sun wasn't shining the heat was being kept in by the clouds and it made the air feel very close and sticky.


    By the time we got to mile 7 and the start of the rumoured tough hill I was struggling. The gentle, steady hill I drove along the day before appeared and became a brutal instrument of neverending torture. By this point I was taking water from the water stations and dousing my hat in it to cool down. Then at mile 8 I had to walk for a bit. And again at mile 9 and 10. Pretty disappointing but I found that after the short sections of walking I had enough energy in my legs to go again and wasn't losing a lot of time.


    When I'd checked my watch at the halfway point I was well under an hour so figured I had a bit of time to play with (previous PB at Stoney was 2:05) for sub 2 hours and a PB.


    Mile 11 ticked past and finally the end of the hill. Round a corner and then we could see Portree and it was almost downhill all the way. I felt pretty good going down and managed to overtake most people that had passed me on the hill and was again pushing a good pace. 2 miles of 8:30 - 9 minutes and I would be laughing.  Sadly as we came into Portree and it levelled out I crashed badly again. The last half a mile was an exercise in mental control just to keep the legs moving when all I wanted to do was stop and have a wee seat.  Finally the school where we started came into view just as 2 hours ticked past and I knew I'd at least get a PB. Then as I ran up to the gate there was a line of 10 or so kids with their hands out all looking for high fives. So I started grinning and slapped all their hands as I turned into the school for one last push as my name was announced over the tannoy


    Crossed the line in 2:01:24 officially. 4 minutes 8 seconds better than I managed at Stonehaven 2 years ago.  Now as I type it up that almost seems worth it.


    TL;DR Ran the Skye Half Marathon in a PB of 2:01:24 over a brutal hot and hilly course.



    Roll on Stoney in a few weeks!

  5. He scored that in what was, until last season, the most successful Dons team for years.  He SHOULD have scored more. But he was shite so didn't.  Being the best striker in a pretty terrible bunch isn't a cause for celebration.


    Dunno what's worse about the Calderwood era, the humiliating cup exits or the fact that we're still arguing about him and his players years later.

  6. "Hardly scored" is a bit much.


    About 1 in 4 according to wiki, which isn't setting any records, but it's far from the sort of pish that Mackie churned out for 10+ years.  (Okay I just looked up Mackie and he was a bit worse than 1 in 5.  I thought it would be worse to be honest.)


    Miller scored 4, 13, 12 and 4 in his time with us.  In the two full seasons he was sporadic, scoring in fits and bursts. He'd score 1 goal a game for a few weeks then go two months without scoring. 

  7. I think it's an entirely accurate reflection of his performance for most of his time with us.  


    Football's amazing. Thousands of fans watching the same thing happening on the same pitch and everyone sees something different.

  8. Aye exactly, he was brilliant for us, his hold up play was second to none when he was on form, if he had a bit more pace about him he would be been lethal. 

    What hold up play?  He was abysmal. He had half of one season were his performances were acceptable. Aside that he was one of the most awful and frustrating players to wear a Dons shirt. Really don't understand why he's rated by anyone, especially by some of our fans.


    He connected with a lot of balls I'll give him that, as a target man he got that bit of his job right. But then he failed almost universally at finding a team mate with any of his knock downs or if he tried to hold it up he either lost the ball immediately or fell over in a pathetic dive at the slightest touch.  Barely moved for the ball when it wasn't being lumped up to him and hardly scored.  Awful player for us. May be technically gifted but he rarely showed it.

  9. I don't think you'll ever get that chafing with running tights.  Chafing happens where there's a seam rubbing continuously against the same part of the body.  In my case it was the bottom of my boxer shorts on the half marathon and the bottom edge of my running shorts on the 17.5 mile run.


    The bottom of your running tights will be at your ankles, so unless you've got a very very strange running style or very very fat ankles, they're never going to rub together!


    Not just a seam, can be skin on skin as well. Though that's more of a men's problem (believe compression shorts are good for that one, keeps everything in one place).  Nipple chafe can certainly affect both sexes.


    Basically anywhere there's friction caused by constant rubbing of skin or clothing can start to chafe. For some areas of the body poor hygiene can make it worse too. 


    I tend to find it's worse in hot or wet weather and really affects me on longer runs. For sair nips man made technical clothing or cotton is the worst. Sadly technical clothing is brilliant in lots of other ways so the only option is to lubricate or put sticky plasters on to protect them. Which is great fun if you have a hairy chest.  In winter I wear an ace merino base layer which is amazingly nipple friendly. No chafing.  But it's a bit cozy for spring and summer running.


    Once you start getting into longer distances there's no end of disgusting problems which you hear about. I've read a few books by ultra runners and ironman competitors and some of the stuff is horrific.  It makes a bit of nipple pain or thigh chafe seem like nothing.

  10. Anyone else up to date with Fargo?


    I've loved this show. It's been constantly great, there's something about the characters and the atmosphere of the show which make even minor conversations entertaining. 


    The latest episode was a bit calmer than the previous two but has set the show up very nicely for the final two episodes.


    It's fucking brilliant.  The scene where Malvo stormed the building in Fargo, and the camera stayed on the outside was amazingly well done.


    The quality has just been sky high through the whole thing.

  11. Weird question but I'm getting into tuning (it's about time) and my question is, what's the best way to stop chauffing between your legs as awkward a question it is, the inner part of my leg is pretty bad right now.


    Assuming chaffing is from running, not tuning...


    Two options - either change the shorts you wear or lubricate. Or both.  Get shorts with built in lining, you might have to experiment with different styles to find ones that chafe the least. I have some montane shorts that are similar to cycling shorts and a pair of looser salomon trail shorts with a tight inner lining, both good.


    For lubrication you can either use something like vaseline or a product designed specifically for runners like bodyglide. I find this works for short runs but needs to be reapplied for longer ones.

  12. Would be a superb signing for us, but I'm not holding my breath.  Boyd gives the impression that he's thinking very carefully about where he's going to move next and I think time may be against him. We need a team in place quickly for Europa qualifying and I think McInnes will be looking at a few options but is content for this one to be in the papers as a smokescreen.  Not saying we're not after Boyd, we'd be stupid not to be, but he won't be the only name on the list.

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