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Everything posted by RossP

  1. RossP

    Xmas social?

    Just picked up the 'North Sea Ale' newsletter while in POW for lunch with the folks... I noticed there is a listing in the events section saying there's a Xmas social in the Moorings on Sat 19th Dec at 5pm. What exactly does that entail? Tasting sessions? Reduced prices? Or just a bunch of old men in beards, wearing CAMRA t-shirts meeting up? It's the first day of my 2week holiday, so quite fancy a few early evening drinks
  2. We had the same rules but the name was called 5-star for some reason In other news... Stuart Duff was at ICT stadium today. Not sure why...
  3. Signori - Italy or Valderamma (sp?) - Columbia
  4. Looking forward to Lemon Tree fun times
  5. But stealing your mate's bird... nae cool like. Lowest of the low.
  6. RossP

    Tiger Woods

    Isn't his wife an identical twin as well!?
  7. Aye a lovely chap... STAR'S LOVER BARS BOY'S DAD: NACHO'S TUG OF LOVE | Sunday Mirror Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET
  8. RossP

    Football Chants

    It's a bit hard to make out to begin with, but you get the idea
  9. RossP

    Football Chants

    I've also quite like the chants... Lets pretend we've scored, leeeets pretend we've scored... Lets pretend that, lets pretend that... leeets pretend that we've scored... lets pretend we've scored. 'YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ---------------- Or seeing Scotland fans singing 'Take on Me' in Oslo. The high bit nearly sent a few fans unconcious!! ---------------- Or hearing about a Ross County chant v. ICT, where a couple of fans were on their way to Glasgow for the Pixies gig after the game: Scot Boyd is 5, Scot Boyd is 5, Scot Boyd is 5 And Alex Keddie is 6, Alex Keddie is 6, Alex Keddie is 6 And if Alex Keddie is 6, then GARDYNE IS 7, GARDYNE IS 7, GARDYNE IS 7, GARDYNE IS 7 We f*cking hate the Caley, we f*cking hate the Caley...
  10. RossP

    Football Chants

    I'd like to give a special mention to the players who take the chants in good nature. I get a warm feeling inside when a player who is the subject of abuse applauds the fans, or smiles at the chants. Tony Bullock (sex offender) - Always greets the ICT end with a smile, applause and sometimes a wee trick hanging on the bar or doing pressups. Paul Hartley (Vladamir Romanov sucks him off) - makes a blowjob sign, followed by applauding the chant as he goes to take a corner. Neil McCann - (Get the stretcher ready) - pulls up with a fake limp, then turns and applauds the fans' chant.
  11. RossP

    Football Chants

    I've always quite liked the rapist one that was directed at Van Persie, then Robinho (sang to that Craig David song with Bo'Selecta as a line in it. It could be called 'Bo'Selecta' for all i know?) Van. Per. Sie. When the girl says no, molest her. instead of Re. E. Wind. When the crowd says bo, selecta.
  12. This. But us at home to Muvverwell.
  13. I've quite enjoyed El Classico. Messi has been brilliant compared to sulky Ronaldo Puyol was incredible for once. Superhuman blocks and challenges.
  14. There were children in that stadium. Get him for 'exposing himself to minors'
  15. Strangely enough I live in Hilton as well. It was late evening on a saturday, walking home (sober I may add). What surprised me was that it was guys in their late twenties/early thirties, who in typical cowardly fashion jumped me from behind. After taking a few blows, I managed to break free and make the short sprint home in one piece. Once home I discovered a big chunk of my head missing, where a little bit of skull could be seen. Lots of blood as well. The whole thing hasn't really bothered me that much to be honest. As a teacher i've got pretty thick skin and tend to have a positive outlook to most things, so life has just gone on as normal. I do really hope that the current suspects are the ones that did it and they get dragged up in front of a judge. Their cowardice and stupidity deserves to be punished... and on a slightly more selfish note: facial scar = compensation
  16. Like the thread starter, i too have noticed far more assualt cases in the news than before. In the last 6 months or so, i've had a workmate's husband murdered by people trying to mug him, a neighbour killed over an argument in a supermarket and i've been jumped on the way walking home by 4 guys looking to test out their new knuckledusters; leaving me with a 3 inch scar on my head, which required 8 stitches and 6 hours in A&E to seal up. I would like to point out how much work the police have done to help the victims of violent crime. My workmate has been given some fantastic support, ranging from counselling to advice for coping with and answering media interest. My incident happened in August this year and despite no-one being caught and charged yet, the officer in charge of my case has given me regular updates on leads and evidence. In fact, today he phoned to say that they have some suspects who they will be speaking to this week
  17. It's not the first time i've cursed his name... ...it probably won't be the last.
  18. Many thanks Steven! The tickets still haven't arrived, so if there's no sign of them on Monday/Tuesday i'll bring my confirmation email with me on the night. Any idea on when the first band are due on? I really quite like Moth and the Mirror, so was aiming to get down before they start.
  19. I think Jimmy Bullard might be my favourite non ICT/Scotland footballer. He's had some Soccer AM gold over the years.
  20. Congrats to the Dons, always good to see the Old Firm get beat
  21. Gordon Smith must've been on the blower to the ref; that never should've been a second yellow. Backs to the wall stuff now I reckon.
  22. Anyone else just see Grassi do some sort of weird sweary/gangsta thing with his fingers on his chest, as he came out of the tunnel?
  23. The ref will be subbed for a more pro-old furm replacement in the 2nd half I reckon. He's been very good so far...
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