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strat tremelo replacement

Guest lime ruined my life

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Guest lime ruined my life

whats a good replacement for a cheap strat tremelo system?

its for a cheap strat copy, peavey falcon. its got a bit of a tuning problem....., would replacing the springs help keep it in tune longer? or a locking nut or something? i hate locking nuts.....*sigh*

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if you use the trem much, usually for bigger divebombs then that will probably be what is knocking the guitar out of tune

if that is the case there are two big options i can think of

1) replace the nut and saddles with somethign better, somethign like graphtech saddles (about 30 i think) and a graphite nut (well cut) as i said above, a well cut nut will stop the strings getting hung up there when you use the trem, and the graphite is a source of lubrication to help the strings move over the nut and saddles

2) block the trem, it will mean you wont be able to use it, but it should help keep the tuning stable and should hopefully give the guitar a bit more sustain if done right

basically you need to fill in the space in the back og the guitar between the body of the trem and the guitars body, for a strat style bridge that sits on the body, you only need to block the space on the far side form the neck, and if it is a floating trem you will need to block the space either side of the trem body


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You don't need any wood to lock down a strat trem - trust me, I've done it. All you need are enough strong springs to overcome the tension of the strings. Is it worth spending 30 on a new nut, then the hassle of fitting it, when colouring the grooves with a 2b pencil that cost's about 30p will do the job?

Strat trems aren't designed for divebombs, so if that's what's knocking the tuning out the options are a new guitar with a Floyd Rose or the like, or a new pointy style metal looking guitar, or stop the divebombs!!!

Bottom line - you don't need to spend more that a couple of quid to fix a problem like that.....

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Guest Electric Tibet

Check the string trees as well (if there are any) as they can be another source of friction. Graphite saddles help a lot for tuning stability/string breakage . You can get a set for about 25

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Guest lime ruined my life

thanks guts

i got the guitar for 30 quid though. 25 is almosty the same as the whole thing.

im going to replace the pickups first i think, im poor you know. i don't really know what kind of sound i want from it, the bridge pickups are awful, they sound like a castrated cat in a blender being stung by bees.

maybe thats good.

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