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New Atreyu vs New Eigteen Visions


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A thread title almost GUARANTEED to have Jonny Lucifer convulsing with rage....Anyhoo...

Two of the hottest contenders for the "screamo" (goddamn thats a horrible "genre" title) crown, and both release albums within weeks of each other.

Atreyu - more melodic than its predecessor, and not QUITE as good. Still enjoy the album a lot, a melodic metal album though and through, but it does clearly have its sights on the mainstream. Think it'll be a grower, but not going to displace "Suicide Notes..." too quickly.

Eighteen Visions - Obsession. Utter, utter rubbish. "Vanity" was clearly a fluke.....

So, yay Atreyu, boo 18V. Thoughts?

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Why exactly? ?(

Both pleasing albums in my opinion. 18V doesn't compare to Vanity though I must admit.

Due to his hatred of the current "trendy" state of "hardcore", with these two bands being the epitomy (sp?) of said scene....

As you like Vanity, I have to insist you get Vision of Disorders "Imprint" - the finest metal/hardcore crossover album ever.....

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Guest ForbiddenFruitcake

i say yay to atreyu

they are rather a good band, many i speak to in the 'hardcore' circles dislike/hate them but hell, what do they know.

when i first got suicide notes, it stayed in my cd player for a hella long time, it seemed somehow refreshing to me.

i'm looking forward to hearing new stuff, i've heard its even more melodic, i hope it doesn't go too far.

i'm not too keen on 18 visions 'vanity' however, i'm not too sure why, but some of the album just seemed a bit

...i dunno...

like it had no 'edge'. so if i don't like that, i'm not sure how much of a point there is in listening to their new album.

i know what i mean here...no-one else will! :rolleyes:

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Guest highroller

the new eighteen visions will get people who wont like their other records...how was vanity a fluke...best of was awesome as well...

the thing is i LOVE both bands...but...I think the rock and rollness...and the stripped down simplicity of the 18v gets it ever so slightly...i think both bands are very dark and in different ways...the curse sounds like a journey through life as a vampire and has ALOT of clever vampire references...i also find both the new albums actually pretty sexy albums in both presentation and listening to them...

i got them both on the same day and i dont think ive bought two albums on the same days pretty much as good as each other...

I dont care if they are classed as hardcore or not...elitist as fuck...so what if people in "hardcore circles" dont like atreyu...fucke em...let them go and listen to bane or a18 put out stuff that dont progress...

im with the bands that are gonna push a genre and get noticed for doing it...stuff thats relatable...stuf that genuinely moves you, makes you sad, makes you wanna kick something...

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the new eighteen visions will get people who wont like their other records...how was vanity a fluke...best of was awesome as well...

See, I don't like "Best of" or "Until the Ink" either, but Vanity seems just right. I think it was the primary school lyrics and melodies that put me off the new one - something you seem to like as "stripped down". Fair enough, but honestly, in my opinion, I haven't heard a worse album for quite some time!

Atreyu - its growing on me more and more - yeah, its melodic, poppy metal, but when its that good, why complain! (You check out The Bled yet Ben?

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Guest highroller

i havent yet mate...i will do so tonight or tomorrow at jamesy's work and i will report back...

i think the lyrics are incredible on the new one and yes again...its stripped down...he had so much lyrics persong on all the other albums...it was time to fucking just kick it and have simpler...more simpler structure songs...I think "obsession" will do it it big style for them...I think Dan will love "obsession."

I love all their stuff...

James Hart man...the metalcore mick jagger...great frontman...

you checked out beloved yet dude??

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