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Local band forums

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Is there really any need for it? Its hardly like it gets used that often, and no disrespect to the bands who are in it, but they're not exactly the highest profile bands from Aberdeen. Wouldn't bands just be better off posting announcements in Music Discussion, or am I missing the point here?

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i agree.

but i'd prefer it if it was just a 'Bands Forum' where anybody could post a topic about a band they like and it could be discussed at length. I know the answer will be 'use the music discussion', but i never find it works there. I'm not sure if its just because people don't want to discuss the bands at length.... probably is.

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The point of the local band forums is to give the individual bands/musicians their own forum that can be linked from their own web site / MySpace / Bebo etc for their own community of fans to use. They get their own forum and they get to take advantage of the inherit advantages that this site has (large amount of users/traffic, it doesn't cost them anything to host a forum here etc). In return, they might send one or two people to this web site that may have never been here before.

The local band forums that don't get used get removed as do the forums for bands that split up or become otherwise inactive when it comes to gigging and producing music. I've received a couple of new requests for forums from other local bands and so these will be created in due course. As long as these forums continued to be used and asked for (as they are now) then they will stay. I’m certainly not going to start discriminating against local bands and preventing them from having a forum hosted here if they ask for one, just because they might not be considered “high profile” enough by the masses.

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