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kart start

Guest Tam o' Shantie

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Guest Tam o' Shantie

anybody been? on monday nights they do a 'turn up and get karting' style deal, 100 laps on the 400m court in 40mph karts for 32 bucks. I'm going back to knockhill later this year for some serious kartin' with track racing mother fuckers, so I need to get some practices in. i think i'm heading on monday, is it as good a deal as it sounds?

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I was there a few months back for a stag weekend, it was fucking ace. There were ten of us, the karts are new and faster than the old ones by quite some way, they really really move and there's some brilliant corners on the track you can fly round. They say no contact but you can get away with a bit of rubbing - and you can batter your mate off into the barrier at top speed - if you make it look like an accident! We did 50 laps and it took about 30 minutes, plus we had the warm up and qualifying, it was about 38 for that, but we had booked the whole place for ourselves.

Highly recommend it. I was sore as fuck the next day though, mainly because the whole time I was racing, pretty much every muscle in my body was tensed up through pure adrenaline.

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Guest Tam o' Shantie

i'm not sure the ones i was using at knockhill were much faster...kartstart does have 70mph ones but these require a 'license' to be acquired first.

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Guest Tam o' Shantie
At top speed all the way you'd only get 32 km in 30 minutes, and then there's the corners to take into account, and this:

You're right, I was way off the mark.

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