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The xcerts update..


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Hello everyone, here is a new blog i recently put up on our myspace, it's just a wee update on what's been going on.

Aloha, it's been a while since i've written some words so i thought i'd post a wee blog letting you know what's going on with us!

Tour is now finished, and i'm slowly but surely getting back to living in the real world. It's very odd being on tour, you start living in a small bubble which evolves around travelodges, service stations, venues, a van, the same 4/5 faces..I like it though.I feel very confused as to what to do with myself when we come off tour, as my routine is completely fucked! I think Duncan our tour manager is getting pretty pissed of with us, we keep calling him on our days off asking him what we are doing that day.......he doesn't have a clue, and why the hell should he? Anyway, i'm meant to be updating you on what's happening with the band, not my life! So, thankyou very much to anyone that watched us, bought our music, checked out our myspace, picked up a flyer, over the course of the February/March tour.

We recorded our first music video for the next single My Book Laughs. The video was filmed in Sheffield the morning after the Bloodhound Gang gig, so if we look a bit pale and unwell, blame the guinness (it was St Patricks day). It was also freezing that day, remember kids fashion over health.We've seen the rough edit and it's looking really cool. It reminds me of the old "Police" and "Smiths" videos, it was filmed on super 8, so it has a really grainy/vintage look to it. The video will be up on the page really soon, and hopefully it'll be on the telly aswell.

We're back out for a couple of weeks at the end of April, (We start on the 23rd in Portsmouth) and then we join The Ataris for 3 shows at the start of May. We're really excited about those shows, and hopefully we'll see some familiar faces at the gigs. We'll put the dates up once they are all confirmed.

Right, i've written enough and there is a great show on tv called "Wedding Belles", written by Irvine Welsh that i'm trying to watch, so i'll get back to using my eyes.

Take it easy,

Murray x

P.S. Forgot to say the single is out on the 28th of April, yowza.

Also, we've just recorded 3 new songs, so check the page (www.myspace.com/thexcerts) in a couple of days to hear them.

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great stuff

I hope you get supermodels sitting on yer D and stuff, keep up the Scottish accent on the tunes, it's like Idlewild or Biffy only a wee bit better, the sort of stuff young ladies cream their pant to, see ye soon, cheers Biz.

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