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Anyone speak italian? + computer help needed!!


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Right, the short and curlies of this are, somethings got into my computer, i woke up today to a message in italian reading thus:

Attenzione! il contenuto che segue vietato ai minori di 18 anni proseguendo dichiari di essere maggiorenne. Clicca no per l'accesso di 30 minuti al costo di quindici euro. Avari successivamente la possibilit di convertirlo in un accesso di 24 ore. Cliccando si invece portai enterare con una connessione a tempo al costo di trecento eurocent al minuto.

Per chiudere al programma componi alt+f4. Inoltre il sortware ti dar la possibilit di partecipare a strepitosi sondaggi dove potrai esprimere la tua preferenza.

Buon Divertimento!

Whatever it is has left some shortcuts on my desktop to some program/link in my windows temp folder that is trying to download some kinda content, presumably porn/dial-up. I deleted the shortcuts from the desktop and start menu. It's also changed my homepage to this site which is also trying to get me to download stuff, i've blocked that site from downloading shit tho.

I took the message into one of those shit online translators and it spewed out this...

Caution! the content that follows the minor of 18 years is forbidden continuing you declare to be adult. It clicks no for the access of 30 minutes to the cost of fifteen euro. Stingy subsequently the possibility of to convert it in an access of 24 hours. Clicking instead I am carried enterare with a connection on time to the cost of three hundred eurocent to the minute. To close the program you compose alt+f4. Besides the sortware the possibility will give you of to participate deafening surveys where you will be able to express your preference. Good Fun!

So i dunno what to do. I got this yesterday and i deleted everything to do with it, but it's just re-appearing. I can only assume theres something on my pc thats bringing it back, tho Adaware and Spybot couldnt find anything, same with norton.

So im at a complete loss, plus if alt+f4 is what it's saying to do, im fucked, my Alt key doesnt work.

So any italian speakers wanna give me a slightly better idea of what that says, that would be amazing, and anyone who has any ideas to get rid of this fucking bug, i'll love you forever!

Cheers x

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It's a porn-dialer.

Download' date=' install and run the following to get rid of it:


Bugger me sideways! That program is the shit! i did a scan with the older version yesterday and it came back with next to nothing, that just found 286 critical problems.

My PC is sorted, even some things that i have had for ages and didnt know if they were adware or what, cheers neil!

oh and as promised, i do infact now love you forever x ;)

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