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Moon Moon

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Posts posted by Moon Moon

  1. How did you pass English with your grammar and punctuation skillz?

    Also, congratulations!

    there's no exam for national 4 and it was an easy wee test.

    And I'd like to point out to everyone. I did not revise for any exam.

  2. Congrats on passing! I do not miss waiting for results. Do you go back and do Highers/whatever Highers are now?

    only got 1 higher as I had to choose a few different subjects to fit in with the whole me wanting to do nursing. And it's up to them if they do the old or new higher unfortunately.
  3. would anyone like to volunteer working with elderly people? We are very short staffed on weekends.

    If you are interested mail me and I will give you the appropriate paperwork in which you will need 2 references and will be PVG checked.


    Moon moon

    • Upvote 1
  4. Finished OITNB and it was a belter of 2 seasons. Found it amazing and halarious.

    Primeval. Used to watch it all the time up till the end of season 3 then it wasn't on normal TV until I found it on netflix. Missed it so much but was a bad ending in my taste. Was wondering was there ever a season 6?

  5. The Purge

    Interesting concept (one day a year where Americans can do whatever the fuck they want without criminal repercussion - including MURDER), executed TERRIBLY, but still an okay watch.

    Features Cercei Lannister and Ethan Hawke (who is clearly what would happen if Harrison Ford and Kevin Bacon had offspring), and two children (one is not a child and semi-hot, the other pretty annoying).


    thought it was alright but I can't wait to see the second one, that looks very good.
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