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Posts posted by meiklejohn

  1. Looking for a heavyish distortion to use on stuff like Poison - nothing but a good time, some hair metal sounding thing, cheaper the better but no Berhinger crap :-)

    Boss ds1

    Tascam us144 mk ii

    Fender strat squire with upgraded pickups

    Have all that for trades or just good ol' cash

  2. Hey thanks for the reply guys, took it back to work, resoldered everything and double checked everything was still in place but its still the same, led wont work, the boost switch led works fine but the on/off (the one I tried moving) doesn't....

    Also still no wah, pedal is bypassing fine but when I click it on absolutely nothing happens, no pop, no nothing, no sign of any life...

    Have I wrecked it? :-(

    Is there anyone I can take it to in Aberdeen, on holiday next week so would be perfect


  3. So, I thought I would be an absolute hero and try and move the led on my dimebag darrel crybaby from on the heel, which I can't see, to the top left corner which is perfect...

    So I did it today at work, had a rough idea on what I needed to do, led out, solder wire to the legs and solder into the new place?

    Took it home to try it, not only does the led not work but the "wah" doesn't work either!

    Think I've fooked up somewhere, needing someone to look at it and fix it, like Paul G? Can't mail him for some reason though.

    I will pay you whatever you want to charge, if nobody can fix it can they recommend someone who can?

    Please help!

    Cheers fellas

  4. So here's ma problem...

    I'm using Reaper, bought a Tascam us-144 mkii audio interface and a dell desktop with 8gb ram.

    I bought this computer on the basis I was hearing crackling through my laptop with 4gb of ram as soon as I tried using amplitube but looks like I wasted cash buying this computer because its still doing it!

    I'm thinking it must be my interface that's interfering somehow, so I was wondering if anyone's had this problem before?

    Also was wondering if any generous star would let me try there interface before buying a new just incase that's not the problem, will only need it for a few hours, you can even sit with me and watch me so you know it's in good hands. If I broke it I would buy it but that won't happen.

    Any help would be good, feel like everything's going wrong since I tried this DAW stuff. Miss my easy little 8 track.

    Cheers fellas

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