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The Milner

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Posts posted by The Milner

  1. Shame about Jenko, i always quite liked him, but it doesnt seem like he has progressed enough. 


    Sanchez to Arsenal will be a great signing if it goes through. Lolerpool are going to end up doing a Spurs and try and replace one of the worlds best players with 3/4 good but not brilliant players, and hopefully struggle to stay in the top 4. 

  2. The off field stuff against him was dropped, so im happy not to really concentrate on it. If he finds form then he will do a great job for us, but thats the taks for McInnes. I dont really see him being a huge success as he wont get the game time he needs to really find his form again, Rooney will still be the main man, but at least he gives us an option we didnt have last season. 

  3. I dont tbh. I think losing Suarez will take them out of the title race next season. He won them heaps of games just on his own last year, i dont think they have enough to break down some teams without him. 


    Edit - What he said above! 

  4. we have a 2k system already built in but it's kinda shit so we have a full Yamaha system not sure on how loud it is but has monitors and everything which is really good. We are discussing what we are doing amp wise as no point in every band lobbing their amps down for a 30-45 minute set. We have a decent peavy bass amp but don't think 150 watts would be enough? As for guitar we'll see about getting cabs and guitarists can take their heads with them. Drums we have sorted.


    Good stuff, you seem to have the bases covered. 

    150w should be ok for the size your playing at, if your really worried hire a few DI boxes from Toms and have the bass amp lined into the PA.

    Do you have an engineer to work the PA for the night? Or at least someone who knows what they are doing with one? 

  5. well we have a band asking to cover their fuel which will come out of our own pockets. The venue is free.


    Where are they driving from? 

    Do you have a full back line sorted, ie amps, mics, stands, drums, and that kinda stuff? If not are you hiring, or are the bands taking everything you need? 

  6. Aye we did a few school gigs back in the day, absolutely brilliant if you pull it off right. We also took in non school bands as well, as long as it was all cleared with the headmaster there were no issues. Getting school kids on board is one of the best ideas you can have, they are far more receptive and willing to come back. 

  7. Aye Jack was fantastic last night, as was Logan for the most part. The young kid that came on really put on a show as well, kinda reminded me of Pawlett in a way. Hopefully we get to see more of him this season. 

  8. I've got Sky in the front room, and I also want to have it in the back bedroom. How's the simplest way to go about it? Reading online seems to have a lot of conflicting info, and lots of different methods. I don't mind if it's only standard definition, as powered HDMI splitters and long cables seems to get a bit expensive.


    Am I right in thinking I just need one of these and a decent length of standard coaxial aerial cable?


    You could set up a few well positioned mirrors so you can see the TV from another room.

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