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Posts posted by FOX

  1. 4 bar staff working in Drummonds on Saturday night at about 9pm, place was deid, bar staff all standing chatting. Maybe a good idea to go flyering as Belmont Street was heaving outside. Biggest problem with the place, limited or no promotion.

    That's not really Drummonds' problem, but instead the promoters' problem... I think that's what you meant.

    Drummonds are pretty decent for promoting but most of the non-promoter stuff is only marketed through Facebook - decent if you're friends with Drummonds Aberdeen or whatever, not so much if you aren't.

  2. DPD have redeemed themselves entirely! The driver swung past an hour ago and delivered my Miniak.

    He seemed confused though...

    Me: Thanks! I thought I was going to the depot tomorrow to get this

    Driver: I automatically try again the next day

    Me: Yeah but it was this morning that you failed to deliver

    Driver: But I automatically come back the next day

    Me: Yes, it was today that you tried the first delivery.

    Was he foreign or a robot or something?

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  3. The exact change thing is actually done to prevent theft. The drivers don't have access to the money box at all, so if their takings are short it's because they're genuinely short and not because the driver needed an extra fiver to buy a packet of fags.

    But yeah, it is a ballache.

    Answer to that is "get more trustworthy staff"!

  4. I've been in my Polish neighbours flat before to get details of their landlord due to a leak, and they had Polish satellite TV and were able to watch Saturday 3pm Premier League kickoffs.

    My quick question is HOW?!

    Don't you remember that pub lady vs Sky? You can get cheap-as-fuck European footy streams.

  5. Is it just an Aberdeen thing, this whole exact change on the bus business? I'd never seen it anywhere else until I moved here. They've essentially removed what is probably the most challenging part of the job. I hope they took an axe in their pay as a result, since they don't handle cash nor really have to excert any sort of people skills.

    Most of them don't even fucking bother speaking. I need change anyway to pay for FOOTBAWL tonight.

  6. My local corner shop go apeshit if you withdraw a tenner from their cash machine and buy a paper with it to get change for the bus that demands exact change. How do I get exact change then, if everyone is going to be arsehole about it? Why not put your dickhead drivers through primary school again so they can learn how to count coins.

    EXACTLY. I used to be pretty pissed off when someone used a £20, but a £10 is fair game methinks.

    (For clarity, I worked in a Co-Op on Sunday mornings so got all the folk buying their Sunday papers.)

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