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Posts posted by Kaizen

  1. I moved up from Edinburgh in September and have really enjoyed the music (particularly the metal) scene up here in comparison with back home. Just the overall standard of bands going around is pretty excellent here. Only seen one or two bands which i've actually thought, "pants..." since i moved.


  2. I've got a pair of Roces type-Rs. Hardly been used and the wheels have been replaced with shiftys (although i still have the kill team ones tht came with them if u want them?) Size 10s. Kinda reluctant sale, but im so skint right now... Let me know if you're interested..


  3. I got some writing spiralled around my arm by Jimmy at Richard's a wee while back. 19-20 words or so. Took just under an hour and it looks ace. The black is nice and dark, theres no patchy bits or anythingand it healed really quickly. Jimmy was dead patient and everything. Never been tattooed by richard yet, but i'll going back to richards for my next one, so i'll see what happens. Granted it isnt the hardest tattoo ever, but all the linework is really nicely done. 5 stars!


  4. I'm assuming the difference is kinda... Trading Post = "Hi. I have an old guitar in my garage. Anyone want it?" and this fancy classified shizniz = "Hi. I'm an actual "company" of sorts selling actual products rather than stuff i forgot i had"

    Not sure that this is really going to be of any use... but it's after 4 in the morning and i'm trying to fill in the night...


  5. Fair point on the alt-folk front. Although i'm not really into it, i can appreciate good music when i hear it. As far as the metal/punk/powerpop/pop punk/hardcore/general guitar driven rock stuff goes, Glasgow seems to be the place to be. I could name a couple of bands from Edinbutgh that i, personally, am genuinely into (rather than "are good"), but as you said, thats largely personal preference.


  6. Rofl, taking things seriously again, it's been in the news about the racism about games thanks to Resi 5 it was a talking point between customer and myself, I know the chap is an avid gamer he didn't take offense just didn't think someone would make light of the situation. Guess you had to be there kinda thing. Nevermind!

    Ps. Manager laughed also

    Maybe I read it wrong but I got the impression he was making light of this (Zombie Racism: Black Looks On RE 5 Racism) with a customer he vaguely knew, not calling a complete stranger a racist.

    I'm gonna agree with Scottyboy here. Seems to me that the subject had already been brought up in conversation and there was a mutual understanding that the joke was about, quite frankly, a piece of crap (although bloody hilarious) news article. Rather than someone just saying "Thanks again. Bye now! See you at the Klan meeting on saturday!" to a customer with whom they had no affiliation.


  7. Not a chance mate... I moved up here fro the burgh in september. The scenes pish down there... Maybe theres some good DJs. Dunnaw, not really into the kinda music that has a lot of DJ input, but bandwize, the capital is full of crap.


  8. Then surely if someone was to call you a faggot online your ok with it? Tell me, when your online and talk to your friends... the next day when you meet up with them is it like whatever you discussed or spoke about just didn't happen?

    To say the internet isn't real, yet you are using it is abit weird. If someone insulted me or others to the point where it had gone too far then there are always ways to find out where people live. I'm not talking about ALL forums or manner of sites but this one in particular because everyone knows someone in Aberdeen and it would be no time at all before there was a knock at your door and awkardness.

    The internet is unfortunately taken SERIOUSLY. It's getting to the point where you can't even do something on Facebook anymore before it stirs shit up.

    I prescribe half an hour of /b/ - Random every day until you stop crying because you see the word "bumface" written on your screen.

    On a mildly related note, yay for internet tough-guys!


  9. 7% emo! Hahaha! Considering most of the people on this forum would like to slap the fringe off my head and scratch my Dallas Green tattoos off with my studded belt, I'm impressed with myself!

    More worryingly, I got 70% in the evil genius test...

    "Evil courses through your blood. Lies and deceit motivate your evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in your doings."


  10. Sorry dude, I have nowhere near the money. A JCM2000 is my next big purchase but it could be a long time til i can actually afford it. Im kinda only really getting enough in at the moment to feed myself and a night out once a week kinda thing, so until i can get a proper job on the go, a new amps pretty out of the question i'm afraid =(


  11. You could try looking up those text answer services like AQA ect. I'm pretty sure they pay about 8 an hour for you to sit typing things into google. You can work from home/in your own time ect.

    That does sound ace... Apparently they pay you per question answered. They arn't looking for uk based "researchers" at the mo =( I'll keep an eye out for that one though!


  12. I just finished volume one of 'The Boys' by Garth Ennis. Read all of 'Preacher' ages ago and loved it so decided to start on The Boys. Volume ones basically just an introduction to the main characters, but I'm looking forward to when i have enough money to buy volume 2!


  13. I implied no such thing. I don't know what your circumstances are, but not being able to work weekends regularly will be quite a handicap regardless.

    I am well aware of this. That's why i wrote it in my original post. I don't need it reiterated to me in a slightly more offensive way thanks very much...

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