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Posts posted by Jaaakkkeee

  1. A memory that comes to mind was getting basically flamed out of existence because of an ill-timed joke. Then getting a warning point 'cause y'all couldn't understand the difference between the subject and target of a joke, meanwhile rampant sexism/homophobia/racism/toryism was all over the place. lol.

    good ol' days.

  2. Avengers Infinity War - Holy fucking shit. Best Marvel film ever. Perhaps the best superhero film. I can't say anything without it being a massive spoiler, but let's just say it lives up to the hype. I want to see it again. It's gonna be a long year till Avengers 4.

  3. I was once standing beside the roundabout just past castlegate when an older looking woman said "lookin fer buisness?". I said no and got "well why you standing about then?!".

    To be fair, I was waiting on a gf. So, I guess I was standing about hoping for a ride. Just not one I would have to pay for.

  4. 5 hours ago, Soda Jerk said:

    Agreed. The story is a bit naff compared to the comic, I thought. Why did they omit The Punisher being a total shithouse? That would have been great on the big screen.

    Visually, it's just stupid good though. Makes me wish I saw it at the cinema.

    Yeah exactly. Visually it's amazing. The fight scenes are choreographed perfectly. But the story let it down. I haven't read Infinity War so I should be able to enjoy the new one a lot more.

  5. Wonder Woman - This was fantastic. Lived up to the hype. Why can't all DCEU films be like this???

    Captain America Civil War - This was okay. I feel like it would have been better if I hadn't read the comics. There were so many avenues they should have went down - how the Sokovia Accords would essentially "unmask" them all, or how inhumane the raft was that certain heroes were sent to for not signing the accords. But no, it's all about bucky. There were some simply epic moments though. Cap grabbing the helicopter and the 3-way fight at the end were just fantastic.

  6. Ended up selling L.A. Noire before completing it. I just wanted to play GTAV instead.

    But last month's PS+ had Bloodborne, and Mad Max was free from yesterday, plus Binding of Isaac. Finally unlocked the negative in Isaac. Bloodborne I haven't left the first city, was starting a new game to show my gf the scary intro, did a better run with her character (she wasn't interested in playing) then died and turned it off.

    Oh and for some weird reason, Snake Mania on facebook. 

  7. 4 hours ago, scottyboy said:

    Acting on daydreams though... maybe doctor time?


    That's why it's posted in the confessions. I ain't gonna do shit about it until it's too late but felt like getting it off my chest.

  8. I sometimes have trouble separating dreams from reality. It's very troubling to dream about falling in love with Britta in Community then waking up and being genuinely depressed, to the point where I can't bear to watch Love. I know that that can be common, I've had enough partners go in a huff with me over something I did in a dream of theirs. But I also have memories that turn out, didn't happen. Must have been a dream from the same time period. I also recently got so in to day-dreams i forget they're day-dreams. I was thinking about what I would spend lottery winnings on, to the point where I was thinking about the best way to approach my teacher about designing a studio for me before I caught myself.

  9. Great memories include Gordon Duthie (I actually bought his signed CD from one-up when they were closing down. Never been listened to but I still haven't chucked it out), Milner being milner, that boy that moved to LA and my former bass tutor sticking up for him, Toxic Distortion, Tea-bag's many doppelgangers and of course the thread of folk saying the girl from Chvrches should have thicker skin in the face of rape threats. 

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