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Posts posted by givemeasmile

  1. The 220 is to public service what Darren Mackie is to goalscoring.

    That sounds incredibly similar to my experience of Kemnay btw... :up:

    50 goals in ten years.................good een

    If he gets a testimonial I'll probably be sick

  2. Stagecoach.

    In the morning on the way to work, I get the one bus from Kemnay (220) that connects with an Inverurie bus (307). All others through the day go direct. It's not a major hassle, though there used to be a wee bit of waiting around.

    About a month ago, Stagecoach changed the time of the 307 to be a couple of minutes earlier. This was a good move - buses were on time and all was working well. A couple of weeks later, the 220 time and route both changed very slightly, and the connection point was changed to Kintore rather than Blackburn.

    Now, it's the 307 that has to do a couple of minutes waiting, and it appears that some of the 307 drivers are utter arseholes. Take this morning:

    220 arrives in Kintore where the 307 is waiting at the bus-stop where buses are changed and travellers are made happy. Just as we pull up behind, though, the wanker driving said 307 pulls away! This means a 25 minute wait for the next 307... which promptly drives straight past without stopping. Not quite sure why this happened.

    About ten minutes later, along comes another 307, which DOES stop and lets passengers on, hooray! Only I've got a return ticket and the driver is intent on stamping it as I get on his bus. Took a while to convince him that I'd only bought it that morning and was still on my inbound journey...

    The connection departing without waiting for the 220 isn't uncommon, so it's become common for me to arrive in work 15 minutes late rather than 15 minutes early as I was before.

    Absolute joke.

    I went to school in Kemnay for 6 years, during which period of time I witnessed violence, rumours of paedophilia, car crashes and being assaulted by a 23 year old man at the age of 15..............yet none of this quite compares to the shocking 220 bus timetable/service.

    Rep for you!

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  3. Yep, last night sure was grand,

    It was important to us that we played well and the crowd enjoyed our set with it being our final time on stage together as the original Marionettes, and I'm thrilled Andy got the send off he deserves.

    Cast of the Capital (as I have said before) are easily one of the most talented bands in the country and most definitely merit their respective places at GoNorth and Rockness. When I hear bands such as COTC, Copy Haho and Jocasta Sleeps, for me it really pin-points the direction in which Scottish indie music is heading and it is certainly not a bad thing.

  4. I've got a mexican strat (although not what you're looking for) which I fitted with a Seymour Duncan Cool Rails pickup and it sounds shit hot, but my mate has a US fender strat and it plays soooo much nicer. This is probably the same scenario with the bass, you can make a mexican jazz/precision sound better with add-ons but it simply won't sound as good. Therefore if you can afford it, I'd definitely go for the US version......but mexican fenders are possibly the best value guitars available so they're great if you're on a budget.

  5. Not to sound like I'm stereotyping TOO much but the majority of people who like music in this city, and many other places as well, who are not nescessarily involved with the "scene" as such mainly pick up new music through hearing it on a radio, being recommended by a mate or hearing it in a club. Most indivudals involved with the aberdeen music scene are either in bands or promoters....and for the most part are too absorbed with their own attempts to become succesful to notice the talent evident in other acts.

    For example somebody who claims to be a "promoter", who merely books a touring band, chooses 3 local acts to support and gives them a ticket allocation and bumps their thread on here constantly to try and develop interest is not doing their job properly. This happens a lot and poor results are inevitable, as many local bands end up playing 3 times within a period of four weeks and therefore can't sell enough tickets to at least make the place look relatively busy. But getting "mates" down for me isn't the point of a gig. Getting press and properly advertising your shows is the way to go.......making sure as many people as possible know when your show is, how much it costs, who's playing and where it's at.

    People who are in bands are fairly self indulgent and don't bother checking out other bands because they are too pre-occupied seeing how good themselves are, and don't bother enjoying music created by other musicians who are also performing on a small scale local level. I dare say there are people in bands in this city who have not once been to check out another gig which they have not played at. To an extent that is fair enough if you genuinely don't enjoy other local artist's music, yet I think think there is something for everybody to enjoy in Aberdeen and you just have to be more pro-active in order to find it.

  6. I'm really sorry but HAHAHA, theres a difference between being a cunt and not being a cunt. The discussion about these apparantly fake US dates and a HUGEEEEEE tour we also apparantly had planned have been discussed over and over, i think everyones slightly bored...

    also its clearly been stated this is not about us so... point? general discussion and all but even im bored of discussing my own band!

    and also i dont think you can comment on 'bigging yourself up' as Marionettes have only done 1 tour with like 4 or 5 dates? so your post there makes you sound like your a well established full time touring band when your not? but fair enough you have another one planned and atleast your getting out there.

    anyway I'd say this thread is directed at Saikano or Ramsey.

    I'm not stepping in just because it's my band you're referring to but seriously stop picking fights on here you just ask for trouble and you get it every single time. I'm not going to get into tit for tat arguments with you because I'm above that (call me a snob or whatever you like I won't reply to what you post) and seriously he wasn't making fun of you for "bigging yourself up", because that is exactly what you were doing.

    Besides who said anything about established? Yes we go on tour......is that not what a touring band constitutes? Fuck it, I'd rather rim Jennifer Saunders than type anymore.

  7. I've noticed the headliners (Buzzcocks and Charlatans), but is there any word of local acts who have been confirmed? I imagine I'm in the same boat as every other band that applied when I say that we haven't heard back?

    I'm not nagging or having a go at all to let you all know, I'm simply curious about the lineup.

  8. At the end of the day, I like to let folk know what we're up to and for the moment this mainly comes through online posts on forums such as this through or through our myspace for example. I originally put up 8 dates all listed TBC merely to show that we're going on tour again, and promoters who I contact can clearly see which date applies to their respective city. It's not like it hasn't worked, I've only got 2 gigs to book and it ain't happening until September!

    And as for those of you commenting on the reasons why/why not bands should go on tour.....I can't actually see any reason why a band should not go on tour. For me it is the most enjoyable part of being in a band, and the April tour we did summed this up. So telling people they shouldn't gig outside Aberdeen because they're not that great is ludicrous, ever heard of fun? Does it really make a difference where you play?

  9. Deadloss - Wall of Skin

    Maple - that song off the Fudge cd that I lost pre-Itunes

    Nero - as above

    Marionettes - second last song in current set that my memory has misplaced the title of

    Xcerts - Cool Ethan / Just Go Home

    There's probably more but, as the above proves, my memory seems to be firing blanks this morning.

    Well you can be excused as it's new and doesn't have a name haha

    This list making seems like fun so I'm going to compile my own:

    Cast Of The Capital: Passing the Horse

    Xcerts: Crisis in the Slow Lane

    Copy Haho: You are my Coal Mine

    Edgar Prais: On Our Way Home (where are they these days?)

    Get In Get Out: Kelly's Kites

    CCJ: Kids From Nowhere

    The Little Kicks: Time To Take Over

    Kartta: Henry Got Cancer

    Debutant: Thirst

    There you go, buzzing for the Little Kicks album launch but I'm playing the Lemon Tree.....which in itself is indeed a good gig

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