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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. Ip Man Bruce Lee's Sifu kicking Japanese arse in occupied China. I'm sure that's how it really went down. Some great Wing Chun fight scenes though.

    14 Blades Another one with Donnie Yen, but with too much CGI cheese and mostly a snorefest.

  2. http://www.studentloanrepayment.co.uk

    They hide this site incredibly well. It's handy for checking current balances at least.

    They were a fucking nightmare when I was abroad. I had an old style loan you have to submit yearly deferrals for. They use snail mail so I'd get the form three months late sometimes. Occasionally, their collection agencies beat them to it!

    At the time they didn't even have email. I had to laugh 'cos I was working at a private student loan originator at the time and even the state government guarantors weren't that neanderthal.

  3. SharePod

    Great free program that allows you to drag and drop your music to and from your iPod. You can store the program on the iPod itself so you can use it on any computer.

    Sharepod is great. I haven't used iTunes in years.

    There's also rockbox

    Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware

    which completely replaces the operating system. Maybe not of use to newer iPod owners but it can enable gapless playback and newer format support on older models.

  4. I just shaved my head. Though, as I'm not working at the moment it's not a big deal, I can wear my beanie til it grows back a bit.

    If I can get the beanie on, it keeps sticking on the stubble.

    I look like one mean mothafucka.

  5. I love gin. It's my favourite drink. It's so refreshing, tasty, zesty... Mmmmmmm.

    Now there's only one type of alcohol that gives me hangovers. And I mean skull splitting headaches, the kind that make you wear sunglasses indoors. Can you guess what it is? If you guessed gin, you win the prize. :down:

    Yes, they're absolute dingers. I had to give up on Gin.

    The other reason is what happens to me at Karaoke lounges with a two drink minimum which will almost certainly be massive martinis :moody:

  6. Ghost Dog I loved this film when it first came out. It's really simple, not much to the characters or the story, just an enjoyable piece of film that carries you along.

    The Objective Blair Witch worked because it didn't have to have great acting, special effects or even much of a story. This one did however, and it fails on all three counts.

    Pandorum To further scrape the bottom of Lovefilm's free with package streaming barrel, I watched this fairly mediocre and unoriginal sci-fi flick. That's it.

  7. Look, making a crappy Neuromancer film would be acceptable, especially if Keanu Reeves has no part in it, and I will probably go to see the new Alien films but this is getting obnoxious now. I expect it's in 3D and looks crappier than the original which every 3D package has tried to algorithm since.

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