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Fish out of water

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Posts posted by Fish out of water

  1. More miss than hit; the animated sketch drawn on the school jotter was excellent but most of it was gash, and obvious gash at that.

    Kind of wondered how he would make the transition as, for me anyway, his strike rate was equally as low on the net. I thought a bit of quality control would've worked wonders. I see it didn't.

  2. Haud the bus. You're a Glasgow band and you're playing Rockers?

    OK, there's a few problems for you to consider - 5866 views of your myspace since you registered toward the end of 2008 suggests you don't have an audience or any sort of profile outside your circle of mates - that is not going to attract someone into booking you.

    One of my bands hasn't got a much bigger profile than you and we also send the obligatory email to Fudge every few months. Same response "booked up". I'm too dumb for euphemisms so until he actually says he doesn't like us or gives us a date, we'll just crack on with this approach.

    All that said, if you check one of the other threads he has put a link to your myspace and I assume he is letting the forum be the ultimate yay or nay.

    I would also maybe consider checking out a few of the bands up the road and perhaps trying to get a gig swap organised.

    The other problem is the promotors/venue owners as a whole have a truckload of local bands to consider. Also, no matter how much they like a band, no venue owner wants the place to be empty. Venues are there for the sake of it, they need to sell beer. Don't let it stop you trying to book gigs but think about it on the other side of the fence. Anyway, if you think Aberdeen is hard to get a gig, try Dundee. :)

    Oh, and if you're looking to get a gig in Stirling, try this guy:

    Bulge Promotions on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Good Luck and God Speed.

  3. IFor me, the most hideously awful band doing the rounds these days must be Keane, as they sort of pretend to be a real band and do proper gigs and even seem to have convinced one or two music fans that they are acceptable.

    Completely agree with you. Except for "Bad Dream". I have to admit I have a soft spot for that. In a maudlin two-and-a-half-bottles-of-red-wine way.

    I'm a rather depressive drunk you see.

  4. I'd be staggered if my mate was earning 100k+, but I don't really know for sure. The flat he just sold in Glasgow was a rather modest two bedroom one in Glasgow, if he'd been on that kind of dough I would have thought he would have been somewhere a bit more prestigious.

    Really? I would have thought that, given your mate's former occupation, he wasn't living in springburn or bridgeton - dumps like that are the only place you'll pick up a modest 2 bedroom in Glasgow.

    Still, a schneider of a day though. Think BA are next by the look of it if these strikes go ahead.

  5. Not sure...

    Just use a tremelo pedal and set the timing to go with the speed of the beat.

    I do agree that some widdly stuff can be a pile of shite (although Dimebag did it with feeling and style IMHO)

    IIRC How Soon Is Now' tremelo start was four Fender Twin Reverbs, one set up in each corner of the room with the tremelo speeds manually controlled and adjusted on the amps.

    I won't get into my thoughts on Dimebag. :)

  6. I dunno, MM is a bit higher up the pecking order than ST. She's on the five thirty show or whatever it's called these days on STV.

    True. Got a radio show too IIRC. So a bit nearer to the bird from Paisley out of Speedway who charted with a cover of "Genie in a Bottle" then many moons ago?

  7. 100 a night? Is she really still that popular?

    I'd have thought she'd be lucky to have a hundred over the course of a week turning up to her gigs.

    The Evening Times in Glasgow has Michelle McManus as its worthless celebrity when its short of any news. I guess the EE has Sandi Thom.

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