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Fish out of water

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Posts posted by Fish out of water

  1. Personally I find the base simplicity of Meg White's drumming to be far more appealing than a lot of the twiddly-dee drummers who just distract from the music. Meg's drums fit perfectly with the riffs. That's all that matters.

    At the risk of sounding a bit Tap, Meg White's not a drummer, she's just someone that happened to be around at the right time to hit drums. Its a bit like Bob Hardy out of Franz Ferdinand - doesn't really play bass so much as operate it in much the same way someone operates a forklift.

    Meg and thingy out of Slipknot are at opposite ends of the spectrum though and I'm a fan of neither. As usual there's always a happy medium - hence Bill Bruford being my favourite drummer for the simple reason that he has both the chops AND the taste to know when to play and when not to play.

  2. Ah, feel a bit torn about this - same feelings as when I saw Freebass a month or two ago. Hooky's playing around about Thieves Like Us was one of the reasons I picked up the bass in the first place. He was one of the few people that made the instrument exciting rather than the usual root note bollocks. Given that most Joy Division tunes seemed to be written off bass riffs, I think that's testament enough in itself. That said, he's been playing variations of the same sort of riff for at least the last twenty years and this latest little exercise, combined with DJ-gate and the whole leaving New Order stuff have made him look a bit of a twat. Not that I'm sure he gives a shit.

    As for the Mondays, the first two albums were sublime; stuff like Tart Tart, Moving In With and Wrote For Luck are still brilliant and the Mark Day's guitar work is inspired. "Pills..." is good at points but begins the slip into parody, and "Yes, Please" was utter cockwash.

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  3. Very sad, not just because he was a great bassist, but because the Kinks were just about the only British band from the 60s who would have been able to reform today with all their original members. I think The Hollies are the only ones who can lay claim to that prize now.

    Gerry and the Pacemakers maybe? Although that's not something to celebrate really.

  4. Have to agree with the last post - you've got just under a half dozen institutions (and that's just Scotland) churning out audio engineer clones every year. Unless they are taking out a huge whopping bank loan to start their own studio (and that's a saturated market in itself) or they are uber gifted then there ain't gonna be much work going.

    On a separate note - I've heard variable things about Stow's quality of teaching staff and, having recorded in their sound-proofed sweat-box, I can't say I was overly impressed.

  5. I can't comment on the metal scene or the hip hop scene in Glasgow, only from the Alt/Rock scene but I'd say once again moving to Glasgow is not a solution.

    Glasgow is not only awash with bands, but its also awash with venues and promoters, all competing with each other for the same small audience. The end product is you are playing gigs often to half a dozen people - if you are lucky. Don't get me wrong, I've done gigs that are pretty busy, but equally I've played all the major venues to hee-haw people too.

    Playing the game with DF can be a tricky one - they called a band I was in years ago up to basically bring the crowd for a Tuts gig at abour a week's notice. In terms of music, we were completely unsuitable to be stuck on the bill as the headliner (five piece band with Hammond + Leslie cab vs sensitive acoustic act with bongos). We'd also played a well-attended town gig the week before so we brought fuck all down to Tuts and we'd said as much when we took the gig. They said, "no, it's cool man". End result - the bands played Tuts to each other and DF didn't answer our calls anymore.

  6. Macaulay Culkin

    John Le Carre

    David Jason

    Susan Boyle

    Mickey Rourke

    Dave Stewart (Eurythmics)

    Stephen King

    Trey Parker

    Matt Stone

    Ebbe Skovdahl

    Doug Stanhope

    Sally Gunnell

    Robin Williams

    Paddy Ashdown


    David Attenborough

    Martin Scorcese

    Barry Eliot (Chuckle Brother)

    Edith Bowman

    Diego Maradona

    Joker: Heath Ledger....oh OK then, Jack Nicholson

    Almost spat my wine at the screen when I saw his name. I'll never forget his wonderful W.C. Fields nose.

  7. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)

    I wish people would stop churning that out as an excuse!

    Agreed. Most of the population of Glasgow between the ages of 15 and 40 are in a band so, believe me, the ratio is about right.

  8. Sat down on Saturday and listened to the whole list in one sesh. Think all the acts probably deserve to be there in one way or another but there was absolutely nothing there that grabbed me in the slightest. Might have been nice to see Indian Red Lopez there. They're quite good.

    Maybe next year then.

  9. I adored Mykonos until the radio got a hold of it and played it to death. English House and Blue Mountains are amazing though.

    Saw them at the Carling Academy last September. The singer dude did a song during the encore in which he walked past the mike and monitors, left his acoustic unplugged and did the whole thing sans PA. The audience completely shut up. I have never seen anyone have that effect on a Glasgow gig audience before.

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