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Fish out of water

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Posts posted by Fish out of water

  1. naa.. she mentioned the words ' worse than chinese water torture'.... canna think what she means.

    She didn't like our neighbour and used to get me to practice towards the wall between our house and theirs, so I had my uses. 8-)

    But I think it was a long five years of putting up with me tootling away rather badly.

  2. Agree with what you say to an extent but also have friends (indeed, I've experienced it myself) who have been OK'd for tours on the basis of your first two points but then been dumped (or gazumped) because of buy ons. None of these scenarios have been in the pop world - I am far too well endowed in the belly department to be in a boy band. Package tours I've never been a part of so can't comment.

    I suspect that the reality is a horrible grey area somewhere in the middle, as I think the temptation to reduce costs does make the temptation of a financial inducement difficult to ignore. At the end of the day, there must be a rough taste decision - Delays are not going to appear on the same tour as a metal band, for example. But inside sub-genres there'll be a fair of lee-way as long as a band ticks particular aesthetic boxes.

    For really small DIY bands putting their own tours on, none of the above would apply.

  3. His arse, obviously.

    Shut it or I'll bum you, you skin slapping tot.

    To be fair, and in the tradition of the current government, I have plucked the percentage out of thin air as a rough gauge.

    A more accurate post should have read "are the majority of tours not buy ons?"; certainly anectodal evidence from types down here seems to support the "Buy On" as a regular thing for your more well known bands. Presumably its the record company (and then ultimately the band itself that foots the bill).

    If you have any constructive thoughts to the contrary, feel free to present them.

  4. Having perused the images I have to come to the conclusion that even that images that have been extensively touched up still reveal that she has the face of a horse.

    If that's what fuels your fantasies whilst lying in your wanking chariot at night, then fair play to you.

    I however, have a preference for birds that you don't feed hay and walk round a paddock twice a day.

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  5. Yeah, nice one mate. Just going to be able to stop people fucking are you? Or are you just going to take away their children as soon as they're born?

    Ridiculous idea.

    Glad you didn't bother to read the "not sure I'd subscribe to this" in my original post before biting.

    As I said, it was someone else's idea, not mine and it was presented to stimulate debate.

    As it is, you're right - you can't stop people getting jiggy with it; so short of issuing chastity belts to girls and bell end covers for boys, there's no real way of enforcing something like that.

    Stu - Think what they're talking about is putting the PramFaces in a supervised home with other PramFaces rather than giving them a 2 bedroom in Tillydrone to crack on and conceive the next one in.

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