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Posts posted by rcalder82

  1. Forgot to mention dates and times

    Lisa Hannigan + Jape - Wednesday, 7.30pm doors, 15+bf

    Michael Marra + guests - Thursday, 8pm doors, 10+bf

    Exposure@The Lemon Tree - Dan Le Sac + kUDAlites, Az-I Cool, Shy & DRS and Massive Throne - Friday, 7.30pm doors, 5+bf

    Maggie Bell & Dave Kelly - Sunday, 7.30pm doors, 15+bf

    Once again ridiculous prices - I paid less than 15 to see Damien Rice in London, never mind his backing singer in Aberdeen. Why does the Lemon Tree continue to do this?

    • Upvote 1
  2. haha - No, not at all.

    I used the disabled child reference so it made sense at the end; when I was comparing the parents' unnecessary suffering brought on by themselves to the tunnels potential financial loss.

    I considered using a younger and physically abled brother who just so happened to not know how to play the drums... but figured a dribbling retard licking and smashing up a kit all day long would be far more entertaining to visualise.

    To be fair this show will sell out regardless I wouldve thought so no financial loss or gain on the supports. I like Weapon in terms of this type of music but fair dos to the newer bands whove go the support. Not sure at all about the decision in terms of grudges etc but Weapon have played Drummonds since Xmas which is Tunnels owned and no one complained then? Everyone cant be on the bill so good luck to ASD and Glass Wolves. Know ASD especially have a bi following

  3. I generally think it would be good to allow all good venues to flyer in each other and applaud those like Gomes who allow it. I have no choice over Drummonds/Tunnels despite being manager but its a bit annoying when you are there and you visibly see other promoters taking down and discarding posters already up to make way for their own. Have also witnessed promoters removing my own flyers and replacing them with their own, not realising that I am AGP and work in Tunnels/Drummonds. To see that first hand is just shit and I will quite happily refuse people like that in future. Its manners to just ask at the bar, sneeky fucks who try tio drop flyers on the tables for elsewhere without asking are just wasting their own time.

  4. yeah he was a very very talented person, great voice and amazing keys skills, as i say it just seemed a bit of a comedown when nightmare of you came on compared to them. I can see why nightmare didnt take off after their first album they dont actually have that many good songs, just a few really good singles.

    Yeah totally agree that Jukebox The Ghost were amazing! Really blew me away to be honest. Harmonies were simply out of this world!

    I dont see the disappointment in Nightmare of You though. I guess if youre the sort that only gets into singles then fair enough but I really like Nightmare of You and if you listen to it all, its awesome. Always the same though, people generally react better to stuff thyeve heard before.

    I genuinely thought it was the best gig tht we as AGP have ever put on. Tie For Jack for being so young were brilliant and Free Korps great as always.

    Thanks to everyone who came. Had a really great night

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