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Posts posted by Blingking

  1. Okay, success!

    I managed to get a lead etc, but the record volume is very very low. I'm just plugging straight into my PC mic socket. Do I need some thing to do between my guitar and the PC. I tried a mic up to my cab, but it needed too much volume to get a flicker on the VU meter.

    What next!!!!!



  2. You also need some sort of input to record with. Quality issues aside built in soundcards generally aren't any good for multi-track recording as there tends to be a delay between what you hear and what the soundcard records (the geeks call this latency). Dedicated soundcards solve this problem with the added benefit of higher quality inputs and outputs, line/mic level inputs etc.

    If you have a mic input built in to your computer and the right leads you could try Kristal , it's free so you've nothing to lose. It's enough to give your soundcard a whirl to see how bad the latency is and get you used to the basics of software based multi-tracks.

    Thanks, I've downloaded this and I will try to get the lead I need to put something down on it. looks like I will still need drum/bass tracks etc. Pity, I used to have a Boss DR550 which would have done the job.

    Thanks again for the link.


  3. So the Cubase stuff has all the drums etc on it, and the tracks to mix on, and and the sound card...well that would give me the sound output etc.

    I know this sounds stupid, but I can play sound clips (youtube etc) on the PC. Do I need another one?

    How much are these items approx?

    Thanks for the info so far.


  4. I'm hoping someone out there can help me.

    I fancy trying to do some recording on my PC...if that's possible. The problem being is that I don't have a clue how to go about it.

    The PC I have works off windows xp. So is it possible to record on this, and if so, what else would I need? I already have some mics and my guitar of course.

    Other stuff I might need....?


    Are there programs with drums etc,

    Other software I might need.

    Please bear in mind I have no clue on how to do this (I truly have no idea), and would like some straight forward advice on a way of doing it relativity cheaply (if I manage I can upgrade later)

    I used to have an old 4track cassette recorder, but loaned it to a 'friend' and never got it back!!



  5. well i'm selling some random stuff I don't need or haven't needed for years:

    a red sledge

    Roces Graal laces rollerblades (size8-10)

    some protection pads for skateboarding/rollerblading(stateside pro brand,knees and elbows) i'll throw these in with the rollerblades if they're bought

    golf clubs, they're pretty much antiques with a hippo bag

    a dell 15" monitor (grey/blackish)

    a load of "goosebumps" book

    a guitar/bass stand (like the ones in RnB)

    a bicycle, front suspension,plenty gears(i'll count them if requested) front brake is not there but can be replaced easily(i lost part of it cycling) and i'll throw in a puncture kit and pump

    some economincs and management books(can't remember which ones right now)if requested i'll give the names authour etc)

    mmmmmmm think that's all the stuff I don't need, so if you need it or have any questions gimme a reply or PM



    I have a salt & pepper set with no stoppers on them if you want to trade for the bike.

  6. and I was giving my opinion.

    They gave up caring about tone and more about making a huge wad of $$$ a long time ago

    Now that's a different thing. I would have to agree with you there. I've heard of several new era Marshall tranny amps that have just giving up the ghost after a few months.

    You just need to make a phone call to both Marshall and Matamp to see who gives a shit about making the user/buyer a very '(un)happy tattie'.

    BTW, my early 70's 50watt head blows the 800's and DSL away for tone, but it's just too damn loud most of the time;)

  7. I think that's actually the second album, "Go 2". The first one was called "White Music" and had them all posing in black and white clothes.

    It is really, well there you go it was a very long time ago. I think there is something about battery brides, or wives on it. Cheers

  8. I liked the first album when it came out, but I can't for the life of me remember it's title. I do remember it was a black cover with loads of white typing on it. It said something about, "now I've got reading this cover....etc" Cracking album. I have got the LP version in the loft. I really must dig it our again when I get back home;)

  9. I have a Tokai Goldstar Sound Strat for sale. Think it is from around 1984ish but not 100% sure, could be earlier. Guitar is in good condition, few dinks here and there but with a guitar that age, you'd expect that. Anyone interested let me know and i can send you pictures, needs re-strung but i'll do that before selling so that you could try it out.

    Guitar is in original condition, no modifications as far as i know, i've had it about 12 years or so and don't play anymore so it might as well go to a good home.

    How much you looking for it?

  10. Darkness on the edge of town is truly moving. Badlands, Racing in the Street etc etc. I worked with a couple of guys that were 'big' Bruce fans. I started on about DOTEOT and they were like 'what?'. They had no idea at all...oh well!

    While I'm at it, I used to get pissed off about folk thought that Losing my religion was by a new band called REM. Never mind, I suppose we've all done it.

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