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Posts posted by vega

  1. I've been really enjoying Dalek "Absence" on spotify. Really dark and really heavy with wads of noise. Will need to delve further into their back catalogue.

    M.O.P. (Mosh Out Posse) are absolutely terrible but I've always had a soft spot for them.

  2. The Blood Brothers were really, really disappointing when they played Aberdeen, pretty sure they were exhausted and had stuff stolen though, but that's no excuse because I'm greedy and they're not people they're a PRODUCT.

    In all serious, no energy, at all. [emo]It was heartbreaking.[/emo]

    I'm fairly sure that two of them had food poisoning/were ridiculously ill with something - the guitar player had a bucket infront of his amp the whole time. Some of the guitars hadn't made it over in one piece from America either. Just a bad way to start a two month tour.

    I thought they were great.

  3. I'm more of a "With Arms Wide Open" man, to be honest. Especially the orchestral version. It's basically the musical equivalent of the Mona Lisa.


    For me, it's all about the mad dischordant breakdown bit half way through "My Sacrifice". Pure savage.

    I did listen to "With Arms Wide Open" afterwards. That boy can croon like a madman.

  4. I'm currently reading The Crow Road for the umpteenth time.

    I've also just bought The Road and Child Of God by Cormac McCarthy and also Riddley Walker by Russell Hobban.

    Heck yeah for The Road and The Crow Road - tis good stuff. Not got round to reading any other Cormac McCarthy stuff apart from No Country For Old Men which was also good. Will read his other stuff eventually. Let me know how Child of God goes, Phil. :)

    Currently chomping my way through Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S. Thompson. About 250 pages in and they've only just finished the Democratic candidate primaries/party convention, etc. Overall I like it, but there are some evenings where I just don't feel like reading it.

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