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Posts posted by jf9tp2wd40

  1. I'm with alliance and leicester, i think they are owned by santander, but i've never had any problems, and the staff at the union street branch are all really nice! Had a lot of problems with BOS in the past though, avoid like the plague!

  2. Jade Goody's Dinner Party...

    Maggie Thatcher

    Cherie Blair

    Jeremy Clarkson

    bruce forsyth

    lindsey lohan

    joquain phoenix

    marykate olsen

    ashley olsen

    kim jong ill

    courtney love

    pete wentz

    amy winehouse

    pete docherty

    jack o'connel (does being on skins make you a celebrity theese days?

    donald trump

    derren brown

    ozzy osbourne

    frankie boyle

    gordon brown,

    And i'll take Barack Obama as my joker!

    I will feel bad if any of my list die... but ohwell, bring on the celeb deaths!

  3. I know the feeling, but it really does depend on the turnout you expect and how big the bands are...

    It is pointless selling tickets to a local lineup that isnt going to sell the place out to be honest!

    I put on dopamine a few years ago in tunnels, sold about 15 tickets and proceeded to shite myself, ended up with over 200 through the doors on the night though.... :up:

  4. It depends on the scale of the gig, but if you get the basics right and the right lineup it shouldn't be too difficult.

    Posters all over aberdeen is a must really, make something eyecatching, and stick em up everywhere that will let you... flyers are in my opinion a good idea, but only when handed out selectivley, you cant just stand on union street and hand out a few hundred flyers to a gig 99% of the folks wont want to goto. Target places like one-up on a saturday afternoon, outside gigs of a similar genre when doors close and everyone piles out, ect. i'm sure you get the idea!

    As for the ticket thing, if it is a local lineup, or relativley unknown bands i personally think tickets are a waste of time and money, no reason you can't just get folk to pay at the door.

    i've put on a fair few gigs over the years, some very successful, some complete failures, so good luck, and i hope everything goes well for you! there are plenty of other members on here who will probably have better advice than me, but if you have any more questions, or even need a hand with anything, feel free to PM me.

  5. When one of my friends lived in student accommodation, one of their flatmates was reportedly an utter arsehole. After some particularly arsehole-ish conduct, they retaliated by taking "his" drawer from the kitchen, filling it with water and putting it in the freezer. They left it there a while, and then replaced it in the unit. Cue the boy going to get a fork / knife / spoon from the drawer, pulling it out of the cabinet and staring down at his cutlery frozen in a block of ice, in the drawer.

    i did something similar to an asshole boss in a restaraunt i used to work in, handed in my notice and on my last night took ALL the cutlery trays, filled them with water and stuck them in the deep freeze.

  6. Something different, Goulash on the Adelphi. Hungarian, nice wee restaurant, guy that runs the place is a legend. Fucking love that place.

    Do you know if it is still the same guy who ran the goulash when it was in auchmacoy out near ellon, if so it was fantastic back then!

  7. Yep....it was a lunch I had at their old place....a great experience, although I assumed the wasabi sauce stuff was a mayonnaise, and had a big dollop!!!!

    BIG mistake! their wassabi is rather brutal! One of their waiters is friends with my manager, last night he was talking about the sashimi they have on the menu just now, i was almost drooling! Think i'll pop in before work tonight :up:

  8. Dubstep and Dub are two different things by the way.

    Although Dub would sound absolutely banging on the soundsystem they are bringing in for this event.

    I am retarded when it comes to the 7million genre's of music, my boss has been attempting to give me an education in dubstep for the last few months after all our customers leave, will possibly be the first clubnight i've gone to that wasn't rock in about 2 years... im rather excited! :up:

    What sortof soundsystem are they bringing in, this excites me!

  9. Broken utopia were truely terrible, i have never ever seen kids slaughter enter shikari, you me at six, and all time low all in the same set.. Their singer had a pretty good scream in him though :up:

    First time i've seen Only The Brave and really enjoyed them, they are a good example of how much young talent aberdeen has!

    Autumn in Disguise... thoroughly enjoyed this, screamo lady gaga is officially awesome.

    Not Advised were fantastic as always, and the new tracks sounded fantastic, can't wait till they release them!

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