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Posts posted by Alphas

  1. I was on a flight up from London a few years back and Camilla Parker-Bowles was in the seats over the aisle with her personal assistant and security guard. During the flight an air stewardess asked if a brolly that was in the one of the overhead bins belonged to them and the security guard said as a joke "Yes, be careful though...it's loaded!" A blatant abuse of his position in my opinion!!

  2. Cool, Blue Lamp is near Musical Vision...a plan is forming!

    I think Five just has bottled ales as far as I know

    While I'm thinking about it I usually go into the lounge, which isn't always open. I would imagine they have the ales in the main bar as well but can't remember as I've only been into that bit a couple of times. That said, there is a cracking free jukebox in the main bar full of classic old school records, you have to gather round to listen mind you as it isn't hooked up to any other speakers.

  3. Cannae beat a bit of mindless thuggery every now and then, really. There was one incident a few years ago when we were playing United and Shearer managed to get Roy Keane sent off. They had a bit of a clash, Keane picks the ball up and marches towards Shearer. Wor Al asks him "do you want me to sign that for you?" and what does Keane do? Swings a punch. Nice work, Roy!

    Some of the Roy Keane/Patrick Vieira battles were interesting too. I always thought that Keane was more of a nasty little prick than a genuine hard bastard, but he certainly made Paddy V look like a prize pussy on more than one occaision. What was that ridiculous Spanish lad, Goikotxea or something? His nickname was "The Beast", that's all I really remember. Fucking nutter.

    Agree on Vidic, but I reckon David Wheater could probably mangle everyone. Have you seen his face? God damn.

    The Alf-Inge Haaland feud was a good one as well where Keane got him back about three years after an incident where Haaland got in his face. Keane wrote in his book that he went into the tackle with the intention of hurting him. I think Haaland retired the season after through injury as well although I'm not sure if that was linked to Keane's tackle.

  4. Shaabaz (sp?) - Been once and will never go back. The food was decent but the waiter poured half a bottle of wine over our table and they didn't knock it off the bill. I was then screamed at across the restaurant for having the cheek to ask for my jacket (when I'd been standing waiting for it for 15 minutes). The service was abysmal and you were treated terribly. Won't be going back again.

    My dad refuses to go back there. A few years ago he went there with a couple of folk from his work and they asked for three pints of Kingfisher when they placed their order. He watched the barman pour the drinks, set them on the bar and then empty the contents of the drip tray into one of the glasses. Apparently it is legal to do as the drip trays are sterilised but I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm pouring it down the sink.

  5. Getting almost pretty much their entire first choice back four injured is a harsh blow.

    Bassong's injury looked a bad one. I didn't realise what had happened until the replay but his head fairly smashes into the ground. I'm sure he'll be fine but he took a fair crack to the napper.

  6. The Blue Lamp always has a guest ale. I only go in on Saturdays before the football but always have at least one or two ales and there are often some nice ones.

    Also think Five were looking to bring in some ales, not sure if that ever happened but remember there being a thread about it several months ago.

  7. Crooked Rain Crooked Rain is an album I've been listening to a lot again recently, brilliant band. I too have never been overly sure about reunions but would love this one to happen. I saw Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks at the Connect Festival last year and thought at the time that may be the cloest I get to Pavement...maybe not!

  8. May well have been mentioned as it happens more often than we'd all like but...

    Junkies stopping you in the street for cash but passing it off as "So I can buy a pint of milk" or "So I can get my bus". I'd say no anyway but I'd have an ounce more respect if they were honest and said it was for smack.

  9. Hopefully as this was part 1 of 4 'events' it will all connect up and lead up to something pretty spectacular.

    That's what I wondered as there were some loose ends at the end of the show last night. There is nothing to suggest the group predicted those numbers as he wrote them down and loaded the balls into the tube with no verification. But that allowed him to make the group believe they predicted a completely random set of numbers, which is a bit ridiculous but giving people that sort of belief is the basis for many of his shows. Then suggesting he can fix the lottery at the end adds a bit of confusion, which again I guess may be giving him room to build up to something.

    A lot of his shows involve planting messages for a big ending so perhaps these initial episodes are doing just that and will lead up to a finale. Next weeks show seems interesting by making viewers unable to get out of their chairs, will make sure I go for a piss before the end of that one!

  10. I really have divided opinions on Boyd coming back. He is a twat for turning his back on his country but if we need goals then he is the man to get it. I dare say if Burley goes then he'll go whimpering to the press about how he just wants to play football and loves his country etc etc blah blah. Still a cunt though.

    Feel there is grounds for optimism with the national team though. Fletcher, Brown, Faddy, Gordon and Hutton are all top players and around the 25 years old mark. Whittaker could be good for the left back role and if Naismith can consistently perform like he did last night then he gives us another attacking option. Clearly need to bring through a centre half (Berra perhaps?) and there are guys such as Kevin Thomson who could perhaps fill the position that Alexander and Hartley have been playing. Or maybe I'm clutching at straws for wanting a trip to a major finals!

  11. So frustrating! We had enough chances to win that game. Miller did the donkey work well but we need a striker who can score, he should have scored that chance in the first half. If he lifted the ball we were in the lead.

    Fair to say Burley is gone but does Scottish football need a new manager or a bit of a shake up? We have three governing bodies in the SPL, SFA and SFL but surely it would be better for a small nation such as ourselves to have one who are completely committed to one cause rather than three who have their own interests. A better structure within Scottish football would surely benefit a national manager if the standard of the league is better. Doubt it will ever happen mind you.

  12. Too fucking many. Was it my imagination or did he do it before he even started singing on Saturday? Twat. Makes me want to boo and whistle through my own national anthem.

    He did indeed. It is quite funny how out of time he is and every so often speeds up to get back in sync.

    What happened to Caledon, I liked them. An opera trio accompanied by a dude on a Les Paul!

  13. More importantly, are the Tartan Specials playing at half time again?

    And how many times will Ronnie Browne shout "COME OOONNNN!!!!" during Flower of Scotland?

    Looking forward to this one tonight, pretty happy with the probable lineup and reckon we'll set up to hit on the break down the wings. Just hope we don't let an early goal in and have to chase the game. To sum up, in the words of a wise man...


  14. Here's the team for tomorrow (according to my contact, who's never usually wrong).


    Hutton Weir McManus Whittaker

    Naismith Brown Hartley Fletcher Maloney


    I'd go with that. Industrious central midfield with the ability to counter out wide with Maloney and Naismith. Not too keen on Miller at international level in general but he will be useful for pestering the Dutch centre halves.

    While I'm remembering, what the fuck did Richard Gough look like on the tele on Saturday with his spice boy haircut!?!

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