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Posts posted by black_matter

  1. Most DAWs are a headfuck at first, but once you suss one of them, much of what you have learned can be transferable to other DAWs,

    That's what I dont like about Protools. Every other DAW i've worked with seems to be easily transferrable. I started off using cubase and then moved onto a little bit with ableton and found my way round it easy, but transferring things learnt from cubase to pro tools seems so tedious.

    If it takes a second to do it in cubase it'll take a good minute to do it in protools from my experience....possibly* cuz im shite.


  2. He wasn't planning on going anywhere. Cos it's fake. He is trying to act mental, and apparently has fooled you all.

    With all due respect, that's some fucking good acting, cuz he's acting like a total mental case. Acting or no acting shoving a remote control up your arse in sheer anger is dedication!

  3. 36 Chambers has more longevity in my opinion, for me I could listen to it a hell of a lot more full through than I could with liquid swords. I agree with the comment as well that 36 chambers sounds a lot more raw anger. ODB sounds like he's up for kicking a good heapa shit outta you.

  4. Why is the guitar player opting for that odd stance? I think he may be part crab, or he has some kind of rock rickets.

    I thought at one point he was going to drag his skinny jean clad arse down a hill like a dog with a ridiculous fringe.

    Funnily enough I found this in wikipedia

    "Attack Attack! is a six-piece American Crabcore band from Columbus, Ohio"

    CRABCORE?! o_O

  5. Anyone out there with any really old vintage televisions wanting rid of?

    The older the better, the cheaper/free-er the better too. If anybody has a particularly awesome vintage tv then i'm sure we could come to some arrangement financially.

    Please get in touch if you do have anything along these lines :up:

  6. The aberdeen HNC convers alot of live work, i'm not even doing it till September but there seems alot of it and i can't wait!

    I'm not doing this so i can head off into the great wide open world and try make a career, i'm doing the course because i find it interesting and love to learn about it.

    But i do see your original point.

    There's about say.....two months of live work tops in the Aberdeen HNC.

    Rest of its infrastructure, business, unions etc.

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