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Posts posted by salsadecacahuete

  1. hmm, let's see. it was the day (well, night) of my graduation and i agreed to work. at about 3am, literally 10 minutes before everyone was done, some dickface blew a toothpick out of a straw. it landed in my RIGHT eye and i had to be rushed to A&E, in a uniform that resembled a sailors uniform (white with gold buttons) only to share A&E with a bunch of wasted junkies.

    oh yeah, and i'm blind in my LEFT eye so that was just a THRILLING evening.

  2. hmm. well. one of my old flatmates always used to steal my ridiculously expensive shampoo/conditioner (and whilst i used it lovingly and sparingly, the bitch would wash her way through 1/3 of the bottle in one go)... anyway, one day i replaced the nice stuff with cheap stuff and pissed in the bottle.... so technically, she's a filthy beast who washes her hair with urine.....

    does that make me bad?

  3. random magazines that are dog-eared from the gym.... there is also some kafka in there just now because i'm using him for my dissertation... and one of those somerfield saver offer leaflets for mothers day...

    does nobody call it, simply, the bathroom?

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