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Posts posted by paime

  1. You dick! I've just (finally) managed to sign up for Flying Blue this week in advance of my trip later in the month. Their online systems was fucked so I had to fax it to them. A fax! Also joined the Petroleum Club and Club Africa, because, y'know. Managed to get my historic air miles added too. Still haven't sent me a card, though. :down:

    Club Africa? I haven't got that one! What kind of extra privileges does it give? Petroleum Club is a good one for getting lounge access and such like but you can't beat a bit of Gold member status. People say things like "good morning Mr Watt" when you get on a plane, it's saweet. I've got another 30 flights to take before i reach the dizzy height of Platinum but i reckon i'll get there before the end of February next year.

  2. So then, What does everyone do for a living?

    Neen of this "I work in..." pish. I want some job titles.

    I'm a Senior Project Coordinator in Real Estate for Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Essentially I travel all over the region managing construction projects for an oil company. I build offices, workshops and industrial processing facilities. I've taken over 70 flights this year and recently achieved Gold status with KLM. Proudest day since my 25m swimming badge.

  3. I've had my mates spam the fuck out of facebook with this but would like to bring it to everyone's attention.

    This guitar, LTD Viper-50, was stolen form my flat while I was away on holiday, along with a bunch of other stuff. It's unlikely but if anyone comes across it for sale or trade or anything, please let me know.Its pretty noticeable with the stickers. Wouldn't mind getting it back or, EVEN BETTER, catching the thieving cunts that stole it.

    Anyway, thanks for reading this even.


    What's the latest on this? Did you get anywhere with the Police or is this one gone forever?

  4. I work in the oil industry as well albeit in an area (real estate) which allows me to branch off into other industries. I don't mind my job, i get to travel lots throughout Europe and Africa and sometimes Houston, Dubai etc and the pay is far better than i would ever get with a private client firm at this stage in my career. I go by the mantra of work to live rather than live to work. I think the vast majority of people have dreams of working in another industry and actually fully enjoying their job however that's a rare thing to achieve imo. I also reached a point in my life where i could follow music or live in the real world. Pursuing a financially rewarding career in music is extremely difficult and i didn't and still don't have the talent to make it happen. As it stands, whilst i hardly get excited at the prospect of going to work on a Monday morning, i'd much rather earn the money that i do now which pays for my lifestyle than live in a basement somewhere with no money and no luxuries apart from a guitar to keep me sane. Money isn't everything but it's better to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle etc etc.

    • Upvote 2
  5. What birthday was this, Jake? 16? 18? 21? 30? 40? 50? 60? All other birthdays are a non-event and should be celebrated by being sick on yourself after drinking your body weight in Tennents. You'd know that if you were cool. And if you were manly enough to drink Tennents. Drinking your own body weight in fizzy pop and being sick because you ate too many smarties at the birthday party your mum, granny and auntie surprised you with does not constitute cool.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 15o9idt.gif

    People doing things because they think they're funny is annoying isn't it.

    I know this guy (literally). He went to Prestwick Academy with my old flatmate and he used to come up to Aberdeen for piss ups. He's been married and divorced (to another wrestler lady who beat him up) already and he's only 27. Fun times.

    EDIT - maybe that's why he's crying?

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  7. Unfortunately, pikey's looking to steal something do exist. It would be nice if that wasn't the case, but life isn't ideal. Just think how many drug fixes could be had from flogging something like a 335 or an LP standard. Theft isn't confined to musical instruments. Be cautious, especially with easily carried expensive gear.

    I'd doubt the minks know how much stuff is worth. It probably gets sold for an ounce and a blowie.

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