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Old Gold

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Posts posted by Old Gold

  1. Haha, it's not that I'm afraid of a marvelous ricky gervais style slip of the tongue. it's just that arguments regarding race are all pretty much the same and getting involved isn't going to change anybody's mind.

    I'm 100% sure that nobody who posted truely believes that the colour of a persons skin alone makes them any different. I just feel that some people are pushing the issue to a bit of an extreme and exerting their right to freedom of speech to simply piss off somebody who does feel a bit embarassed by these jokes.

    Whatever folks, just keep the thread on topic. If I wanted to read about discrimination I would have clicked the designated link.

  2. Conversely, (in so far as they are not pretending to live life on the extreme edge but to be ultra-geeky) fake piercings also put me in mind of the whole emo-glasses cult - whereby contrivedly wan or bookish young boys and girls with 20/20 vision wonder around with clear-glass spectacles for that authentic geek/nerd look.

    That's nothing new. Patrick Bateman was doing that shit in the eighties.

  3. The healthy eating promotions they used when I was kicking about the schoolyard were fuck all use.

    Surely it's up to the school canteen what they provide for school dinners anyway? They don't provide for every single eating habit anyway, so who says they should provide for kids who shovel junk into their bodies? Because it's the most popular foodstuff? Well, that's a group of people controlling things for another group of people, which is allegedly wrong.

    I'm all for Jamie Oliver's crusade against porkers. What ho.

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