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Everything posted by FezMonkey

  1. SOOOOO... The final lineup: Doors @ 7.00 BenCozine 7.45-8.15 Cyklics 8:30-9.15 Isylore 9:30-10.00 Kenetic 10.15-11.00 Secta Rouge 11:15-12.00 These are approx stage times, as these never run exactly as planned. Pre-FezMonkey bands there will be choice tunes from the evil Lucifer twins, Jonny & Jimmy Pre-Underflow bands there will be the Underflow DJs
  2. Incidentally, if anyone fancies a support slot for this, let me know
  3. It'll probably be Today It Ends, eye, LeVeaux then E106 That's not 100% though. I'll let you know closer to the time
  4. "Supragod sound like a heavier Backyard Babies with great melodies and imaginative guitar riffs" Tove Stenqvist, Getrocked.net "Supragod keeps the flag of Scandinavian rock in the highest position" Thomas Olsson, Agony Zone Good Trashy Rock n roll, these boys sound like they can walk it like they talk it Martin Bate, XFM Scotland Supragod biography It would be fair to believe that the Scandinavian rock scene had it's prime time in the mid 90s with bands like Hellacopters, Gluecifer and Backyard Babies spreading their "action rock" all over the globe. But you couldn't be more wrong. A new generation is on its way to prove that the Scandinavian rock n roll served back then was just an opening for something even bigger. Supragod have made it very clear that this band will conquer and keep the pole position through the whole race. Starting out in January 2003 as a rock band just like any else Supragod soon realized that there was a huge demand of a rock act that was able to deliver that little extra, the thing that makes you jump and shake in a pure stream of rage, love and sweat. It became obvious already during the bands first couple of shows that this band could meet and even outdo those expectations. By adding a touch of hard rock to the basic kick ass punk songs and creating energy on stage so intense you could reach out and touch it with your hands Supragod found a new dimension in rock n roll that keeps attracting a fast growing audience. Today Supragod is a well known and highly respected live act in Stockholm and the band are aiming high for the future. The latest EP "You Can't Bomb This" has received a great reception from both audience and media. The band will play lots of shows in both Sweden and UK during the upcoming year to support the EP and to keep Supragod the fastest growing independent rock band. The combination of great song writing and unique live performances is sure to make Supragod one of the most interesting up & coming rock acts of this century. Supragod highlights 2003 01 Recorded the first EP "cheerleader", 4 songs that received great reviews. 2003 02 First official Gig, ended up with 3 more gigs booked the very same night. 2003 05 Recorded second EP "PPCP", a bit more experimental songs that took us a bit closer to the sound Supragod is known for today. 2003 09 Supragod played a UK tour supporting rock guru Kory Clarke (Ex. Warrior Soul, Space Age Playboys), got 5/5K in Kerrang and 9/10 in Powerplay magazine. It was our first time in the UK. 2004 01 Recorded EP "Seven Nights in Soho". Inspired by the London atmosphere this EP containing 7 songs became a sort of break through for the band who finally clicked in both song writing and studio recording. Track no. 4, "Get It Done" got elected "best song of the month" on an independent rock radio station. 2004 05 Recorded Promo EP "Fuck me Like a Promo". 4 songs specially recorded for Sony Sweden. Track no. 3, "Sex Nights" became the soundtrack to an extreme sport movie. 2005 03 finally the band got back to the UK to play two shows in Glasgow. A great time ending up in a meeting with promoter Craig McGee who was so overwhelmed by the audience reaction to Supragod he promised to get us back ASAP. 2005 06 the "You Can't Bomb This" EP Was recorded in the legendary Sunlight Studio together with producer Tomas Skogsberg (Hellacopters, Backyard Babies, and Entombed) resulted in our finest recording so far. Title track "You Cant Bomb This" is featured as the theme song for a Swedish TV-show called Vlogg on BIGTV. 2005 08 The band won a national rock band competition "Bryggeriet Live 2005". The attitude of "if we don't win, we quit" Supragod were betting the bands existence in competition with another 135 hand picked rock bands. Luckily the jury had no trouble at all in agreeing that Supragod "with their kick ass attitude, rock n roll songs from hell and infectious energy are with no doubts the best unsigned rock act in Sweden 2005". So the band got away with their future intact and the 25.000 sek in price money. 2005 08 Supragod played live on Swedish Radio for the first time. 2005 09 Craig McGee turned out to be a man standing by his words not only taking Supragod back to play Glasgow, he booked a full UK tour! Giving the 4-piece rock machine the chance to show the people of Britain what Supragod is all about we went right on the hard core and got the best response ever, the audience loved Supragod almost as much as we loved them. Today Supragod have more people supporting the band in the UK than in Sweden which gives us a great reason to keep coming back until there's no reasons left to stay in Sweden at all. 2005 12 Got elected as "Kings of Metal" at the Norrtelje Music Festival. A slightly misleading title but once again Supragod won a title proving this band to be the best unsigned rock act around. www.myspace.com/rocknrollidiots www.supragod.net
  5. FezMonkey Promotions Presents: Element 106 www.myspace.com/e106 Local death/thrash metal outfit Sounds Like: Fear Factory, Metallica, Strapping Young Lad, Megadeth, Dimmu Borgir LeVeaux www.myspace.com/leveaux Perth thrash metal Sounds Like: Testament, Slayer, The Haunted, Lamb of God, Sabbath, Machine Head Today It Ends www.myspace.com/todayitends Edinburgh hardcore classical metal Sounds Like: Paradise Lost, Opeth, Judas Priest, Pantera Supporting Mendeed on their Edinburgh date eye www.myspace.com/eyemakemusic Dundee experimental alt-rock instrumentalists Wed 14th June 8pm 4 The Tunnels
  6. On a slightly cheerier note, bow before my mighty photoshopping skills! Mwuhahahahahahahaha! You'd never know I made it in 5 minutes! :laughing:
  7. You can also catch Kenetic on May 17th at The Tunnels at the FezMonkey Vs Underflow gig!
  8. As much as I love you, Maxi. Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What a great gig this will be! In your face!
  9. And so, to complete our stellar lineup, one of FezMonkey's all time favourite bands: BenCozine! www.myspace.com/bencozine
  10. Delicatessen Happiness of the Katakuris Ichi The Killer La Haine Versus Nausica Oldboy Tattoo
  11. Sounds pretty damn good. I take it there'll be a bus every hour? Like the whole 'secret location' idea too
  12. Last FezMonkey Band to be announced soon! Watch this space!
  13. Party pooper! Would be a good idea though , except it wouldn't really be fair. I'm loud, crass and evil Fraser Underflow, however, is like a little fieldmouse To pit us against each other in a trash talking competition would be cruel and unfair!
  14. Fezmonkey Lineup Changes WE SHALL BE BLESSED are being replaced by SECTA ROUGE (progressive hardcore from Edinburgh) http://www.myspace.com/sectarouge
  15. I sense a recurring theme. Killing Joke fans love Obedience School!
  16. Read about this on his website. Looking forward to it!
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