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Posts posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. If you love the 'scene' so much then why are you so negative to anything that isn't the unlistenable self-indulgent shite that you put on?


    the people who come to our shows are moved, and myself and sharon are moved, thats more than enough for me.there is a whole lot fo variety in the stuff we put on, and a lot of it is international stuff. you may not have heard it and i wouldnt expect you to like it dude, but how can you say its self indulgent shite if you have never checked it out (maybe you have??)

    im so negative all of the time, im never encouraging and i never help bands sort out contacts/shows out of town/gig swaps/advice. i wouldnt dream of doing that

    anyways lets agree to disagree, ill go back to my self indulgent shite and playing in duff bands and you can go back to playing in strozseck

    token xxx

  2. I have to admit that I dont hate the guy. It was very unfair of me to say so as I believe the mentally retarded should somehow be incorporated into society in some way' date=' and those with severe personality defects should also be encouraged to take part in meaningful conversations (whilst keeping them away from computers, decks and gigs, obviously).


    comedian and singer

    multi talented

    return to topic, go copy ha ho/the welles, both very worthy winners

  3. Weapon even considered bringing in an external sound engineers

    and it paid dividends for them, from what i can gather the rest of the bands sound was gash

    word on the street is "weapon were a million times better than the rest of the line up" (various sources)

    i enjoyed weeping jesus a lot though. boy on the left had a great guitar tone. bassist was ace, although im sure he would benefit from using his own amp. drummer was decent although i thought he did overcomplicate things sometimes.

    is somebody going to ban cloud?

  4. weeping jesus have a fucking shiteload of potential

    grind/slugde/metal amogst other things, they reminded me of austalasia era pelican. fuckign ace!

    bit sloppy and rough around the edges but, had a sound that pissed on most local bands.

    cloud, were you actually listening?? is it because you dont liek that kind of music/have no clue about anythign that is not safe??

  5. I think you'll find you have "enemies" because you're an over-opinionated cunt who believes his views are the fucking gospel of the Aberdeen music "scene"

    you have never met me or spoken to me' date=' when you get to know me perhaps you can make these personal accusations *ahem*moderator

    why question the aberdeen music scene?? this is a scene that you stroxzek girls seem to refuse exists, is it because you prefer to sit on your twatspace.com or aberdeen-music.com rather than go to actual gigs??

    For example, we all know by now how much you hate Identity, so it's getting pretty fucking boring hearing you slag them off at EVERY opportunity you get. You don't like them, fair enough. Nobody else REALLY gives a shit though.

    thats cool, that prob means that nobody listens to anything i said about 8 months ago :), why dig it up now??

    How about you come out and say what you actually think of us' date=' rather than snide little comments about us playing "three gigs a week" and other fantastic gems we've heard, like me playing my bass like a guitar (last time I heard someone saying that about a bassist, it was a compliment, so I don't see why you think it's a criticism).[/quote']

    if you like i will, but please promise i dont get a girly reaction (on the boards of course, right as rain to face) like i did from RICHEY J (frontman of stroszxzkeck)

    while not getting personal, i think you are talentless, i think your bass playing is terrible, you have no rythmn or groove. others may think you are a genius. as said before by many, my opinion means shit, so i shouldnt need to tell you to get over it

    anyway im off to bed, i think ill have some pancakes for breakfast, strawberry jam on them too, although we may have ran out :(

    if you want to have any further discussion, please pm me, it means your childish reactions dont embarrass you any further

  6. i am really pretentious and im the coolest scenester ever

    the rest of you are just shit

    and richey have a big hug and a kiss from me, the "enemies" i have are generally people who have a gripe with me because i *gasp* said i didnt like their band or something silly like that. sad or what? :)

    good luck on your quest for the big time (glasgow) im sure itll be great for you. you can easily get away with playing a set of the same songs three times a week in glasgow, its a big big place


  7. I agree' date=' they may not be the most popular, but they certianley are the best![/quote']

    are you having a laugh? honestly!

    they are all over the place, and every single one of them seems to have a different sense of what "in tune" is

    whereas other band in the category (copy ha ho/the welles/genevieve) can actually tune their guitars and play in time!

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