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Posts posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. Hey everyone' date=' I'm del aka ..mistakes.in.animation..

    If any of you lot are coming down to the gig, please check out my set, it would be rather ace. I don't wanna come all that way and just find myself playing to a bunch of apathetic Aberdonians ;) you can hear my boogie-woogie online at [url']www.myspace.com/mistakesinanimation. hope it's to your taste.

    take it easy amigos.


    you had better brush up on your ability to handle hecklers :D

  2. is this boy for real?????????????

    cloud, you talk like you are some big shot businessman or something.

    talking of food chains, survival and general smart thinkign with gigs, can i draw your attention to this....

    there was once a boy who was a promoter with a local collective. for months he put on gigs and then decided to stop doing it. he then started spraffing nonsense on internet messageboards.

    he then decided to put on a gig of his own.

    the line up should have pulled 100-130 people. (with a no brainer list of bands that should have pulled easily that amount' date=' if not more) but he chose to put it on in moshulu which has at least a 600 capacity and high operating costs, he hardly promoted the gig and nobody knew it was happening. with the impending bomb about to explode he chickened out of it and left other people to take the responsibility for it.

    the gig bombed and about 70 people turned up

    he then laughed about it afterwards stating that "it had nothing to do with me" etc



    not a great example of knowledge or sound business sense

  3. And that lot arguably were responsible for keeping something alive' date=' no? If they hadn't been going to gigs and being "sceney", a lot of people wouldn't have entered the scene today to make it what it is.


    whats your point?

    Are they actually better?

    by a fucking mile, i am consistently being blown away by gigs. i find it harder and harder to get impressed but many of the awesome international acts/touring bands/outta towners and even some local acts are settign higher and higher standards for aberdeen

    Drakes has gone, Kef is barely putting anything on, The Tunnels runs massively under potential (capacity 300, so even pulling 100 people every night is barely using the place...), Moshulu has stalled as far as putting on big name acts that get headlines go, The Forum is lying unused, the AECC has failed miserably at getting lots and lots of big name bands up, the Lemon Tree is putting on more and more weird diverse stuff rather than stuff that pulls capacity audiences...sorry, but Aberdeen is a commercial failure.

    ill give you that, but it pays to look further than commercial success etc we are not looking at abdns music scene as a business, we are looking at it as a music scene, and regardless of capacity venues, i think we are doign great. great bands, more people goign to gigs, better gigs. venues are not goign to become capacity over night. aberdeen is a relatively small place, but i think we are holding hour own quite admirably against the likes of glasgow/edinburgh. more and more touring bands are saying aberdeen "best gig of the tour" etc

    Are music lovers really the best thing for the scene? Are they really music lovers, or have they simply latched onto a scene too? As far as I see it, there's scenesters in all the scenes here, some just take it more seriously than others.

    people paying money to go to gigs, cheer, have fun and buy merch from bands. fuck thats the worst thing ever for the scene.

    get a fucking clue

    For anyone that thinks the Aberdeen scene is great - why is the "scene" ran by independents? Is it a sign that Aberdeen has developed differently, or is it simply a sign that there's no money in it for the corporates?

    as i said before the scene is not a business. music scenes are generally abotu music an dpeople who love music.

    Maybe all these diverse scenes are actually slowly killing the life out of the music scene rather than promoting it....

    im biting my lip here. i dont want to get banned again but this statement and you in general make my blood boil

  4. Didn't you know it's an offence to enjoy yourself at a gig these days?

    i remember the days in drakes when abody used to sit/stand and nae move about looking bored as fuck. didnt look like they enjoyed themselves

    The sooner people stop pretending that the vast majority of local gigs are life changing' date=' the better - audiences aren't stupid, they know fine well that what's being put on isn't actually the best thing ever, especially if it only costs a few quid


    which local gigs are you talking about? i rarely go to local gigs these days, most oif the line ups are shit and i feel like im getting the piss taken by paying 3/4 squid for local bands.

    take a look at the gigs i rave about form my previous posts.

  5. empire builder, ganger, life without buildings, aereogramme, el hombre trajaedo, g plan, cayto, eska, uter, il casio illuminitas, scatter

    have all be associated/dabbled in glasgow post rock scene over the years

    these are all pretty established bands as far as scotland goes, im sure there are a whole load more

  6. in fact i really just miss the way things were. before it got so big and what not. not the scene... more the scenester thingys.

    you annoy me, all you ever do is go on about the "old days" and how great they were

    from what i could tell, the "old days" were gash, the gigs were boring all-local band line ups, the same bands and the same old faces that went to gigs.

    correct me if im wrong, but i think things have changed a lot now, and for the better! there might be less of an insular music scene, but in terms of the quality acts coming to aberdeen for the first time (and coming back) thanks to the likes of RFR/moshulu, interesting music promotions, arkade, GFN, the tunnels etc things are better than they ever have been. lots of new faces coming to shows, more venues, more diversity and more risks taken

    which brings me to my point.....in essence there are less "scenesters" and more music loving people going to gigs. from what i have noticed a lot of people who actually go to gigs regularly barely use this board

    perhaps these "scenester thingys" that you talk of are the keyboard jockeys that post on here but never actually go to gigs unless their friends are playing, a la popnotmyface etc

  7. Nothing to do with me' date=' I only help them from time to time.


    couldnt give a toss what you have to do with them, seems like you only get involved when it will boost your scene points (beecher)

    i was actually talking about kirk, we all know he is DIY

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