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Posts posted by kybosh

  1. I've only ever played one proper high end guitar, a vintage Gibson which cost waaaaaaaaaay more than I could ever afford to spend on a guitar. For someone used to cheap gear you could feel the build quality, the quality materials, the weight difference as soon as you picked it up, it was like holding sex.

    I was lucky enough to buy a Gibson CJ 165 non cutaway acoustic (small body J200) before they stopped making them , it gets better every time I play it :)

  2. Does anyone actually enjoy their job/career?

    Genuine question. Do you like what you do and who you do it for?

    I have two jobs .......in summer I work in the oil industry and enjoy the money .......in winter I stand in a bar in a ski resort and play guitar and sing , I enjoy that better .......apart from the lack of money :)

  3. I keep getting phonecalls from the Harrogate social services regarding the welfare of someone's daughter called Selena. I keep telling the lady on the phone that I don't live in Harrogate and I don't have a daughter called Selena or know anyone with a daughter by that name. The woman who keeps phoning me is understandable irrate, by the sound of it this poor lass isn't having the best of times and she want's to resolve this. Today is the 7th time she has called me. The second I answer my phone she realises it's me but still asks to speak to Selena's parents.

    Well today I snapped. I told her that I didn't know anyone by the names of the people she asked to speak to and that I am in Scotland. Not Harrogate. I told her that I appericate something is going on but by phoning me a couple of times a day isn't going to sort anything out. She sounded kinda pissed but then she said. 'But this is the emergency contact number they gave me so I have to phone you.'

    What the fuck is going on?

    did you used to be Jimmy Saville ? :)

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