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Everything posted by lynne

  1. whoever that was that sang on stage at the eng GOOD EFFORT! We had an ace night......the crowd was ace
  2. yeah one of those fights has caused me bruises! And i nearly lost a shoeo_O
  3. RHL good gig, much better than the last time isaw you Bromheads....what can i say, the gig kicked off, stage invasions......bouncers had no chance.....how did i end up on the deck..... I have a wedding on saturday adn if i have bruises somneone will paY anyway, fantastic gig!
  4. But it does........ its ok though i just spoke to my mate who is in RHL and he says defo TUNNELS
  5. http://www.waste.uk.com/Announcements/Display-Individual-Announcement/25.html
  6. i had a terrible experience at titp in 2004, vowed i would never go back. I caved and went last year and it was great. I dont go to get wasted with a bunch of neds. I go for the music. Seen some amazing bands and sure this year will be the same. Its what you make of it. If you are camped next to a bunch of loosers then move! I have camped 5 times i think and everytime a good spot. You just gotta know how to pick it!
  7. hey we have to cancel all shows on the tour up until the 20th of mach as rhys is in hospital with appendicitis! he had it removed and is recovering but has to rest for two weeks, am really sorry and we are trying to re schedule them as this is typed! until we post about that vots for Good Shoes We Are Not The Same' video on the NME Chart show lots and lots http://www.mtv2europe.com/nmeVote.jhtml good shoes
  8. if you think you can manage without one then do...its a total nightmarte paying it back....dont notice it off your pay....yeah right! And to say the SLC are useless is an understatement, been paying mine back for 2 years and still seen no statement! They also still keep taking it off you wnhen you have paid back what you oewe....you need to keeo an eye on them
  9. anyone still looking??? I am in ellon though
  10. anyone go the code???? would begreatly appretiated
  11. anyone know if there will be a pre sale cause i will be on a plane at 9am on fri morning. Doh
  12. 1. Are you... *Female 2. How old are you? 24 3. Do you live in Aberdeen? *No (if no, were do you live?) Ellon 4. On average, how often would you say you go to watch live music in Aberdeen? (delete as appropriate) *Once or twice a month 5.Which of these venues are you most likely to watch live music reguarly? *Moshulu *Lemon Tree 6.Are you most likely to go see a band if: *You see them on TV or hear them on radio *Read a good review of them in a magazine/website *Your friends band is playing 7. Which of the following are factors why you might not go out to watch live music? (leave all that apply) *You have no one to go with 8.Do you need to rely on transport to go to watch live music? *Yes 9.If yes, are you most likely to? *Drive home yourself 10. How do you find about live music in Aberdeen? *Flyers/posters *Internet (ents24.com, aberdeen music,) *Magazines 11.How much are you willing to pay to watch local bands in Aberdeen? *4-5 12. How much are you willing to pay to watch a touring band in Aberdeen? *10 or over 13. Do you prefer to see: *Line-ups were bands are from a similar general 14. Which genre (s) of music are you most likely to go see live? Indie 15. Is there anything which could make live music a more enjoyable experience for you? If the crowd chatted less and paid more attention 16. What would you like to see more of in Aberdeen regarding live music? 17. Anything else you would like to add?
  13. bah humbug, it could be worse i fly offshore on xmas eve
  14. yeah defo didnt last past half 10 and they came on at 8.55 - 9ish
  15. for a band of oasis statur i think an hour and a half is a pretty pathitci performance! Good gig though. My 7 year old nephew loved it!
  16. Apologies! All those gigs were in the last year and the year before for the pedantic. And maybe babyshambles didnt appear but the gig was still booked etc.
  17. agreed!!!! Last year ther were amazing gigs....mylo, bees,babyshambles, subways, love, michale franti, the music, toots etc etc so many good ones, i got memebership for my birthday back in early nov but have done nithing abiut it yet because i have seen no gigs at all that inspire me, mishulu seem to have the better gigs but in no way is it a better venue.
  18. i am in the top 0.78% this year......eek
  19. according to ticketmaster pre sale was yesterday and sale to general public is next monday
  20. have to go offshore so i am going to miss it! Face value 25 PM me if interested
  21. well worth the money though. DOG ON WHEELS
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