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Everything posted by rowan

  1. Its good to see a half decend band with real musical talent actually getting somewhere, unlike the Rachel Stephens or Liberty X's which constantly bombard the chart with re-hashed versions of old songs or cover up there poor vocals with synths or effects!! What a sorry state of affairs were in if the NME dictates whats cool and what we should be listnening to! Mon the Monkeys... The Arcitc Monkeys did have a single out before this one, but it was very limited and is selling for crazy prices on ebay!! I got mine before the NME jumped on the "were cool" bang wagon.. cheers Rossco
  2. how about a MYSPACE account.. Its free, its easy!!
  3. Then defo stick with a program like Dreamweaver or Fireworks.. Simple to use, drag and drop / cut and paste... etc Just out of interest how advance / creative are you trying to make this site? And whats it for?
  4. Cascading Style Sheets -CSS This is basiclly the skin of your Web-page, and the content would be the bones if you were! The CSS determints general issues such as font size/colour, backgound image/colour etc basically how the things gonna look. I take it your not really 100% on web design so if CSS seems alittle confusing or you cant really be bothered learning, id say stick with a program like FIREWORKS or DREAMWEAVER There easier to use, user friendly and have none of that nasty HTML or JAVA scripting!
  5. Artwork for the next Babyshambles single - ALBION Babyshambles - Albion Artwork for the Babyshambles album - DOWN IN ALBION Babyshambles - Down In Albion
  6. Can you imagine if there were a video of this... Some parents kids has just been possesed by a demonic being and the priest has come round to force gods will apon the child.. Husband ..."Wait wait, before you start father let me just get my Handi-Cam out, get 250 badger for this on You'v Been Framed..." Wife.."is the red light on?" Husband.."Yup, good to gone.... exorsism away father.." N.B In russian accents obviously
  7. mother care wasnt even open..
  8. If it werent for the likes of myself and a few of my pals givin the dj cd's you wouldn't have been hearing the likes of Arctic Monkeys (i dont think) .. well not that early anyway... Aside from The Killers or Franz there is a plethera of bands you know.. Try The Cribs, The Harrison, Good Shoes... Maybe read the nme once in a while you get paid to play music, if your just playing the same stuff all the time just make a mix cd and go have an eskimo pie for the rest of the night
  9. Ok so Pete's on brown The worlds still spinning round, we dont know why? Fair enough he likes a toot, thats up to him. Even before all this tabloid fodder of drug taking/Kate Moss/coka'eena and shite he was still a musician! Critisis him for his drug taking if you will but before hand he's written an amazing album and was part of one of the most hyped bands from the last 10 years.. If you dont like his music that fine, but to put him down because of his drug use is just being narrow minded.. Just save your 1.99 and go buy the Sugar Babes limited edition picture disk and have a mexican snow party over it...
  10. rowan


    Yeah i write whats in my head... HIckery DicKerRy Dock My GirldFRIenD SUckEd My C.""K
  11. Eat a bag of chocolate go-karts and fuel the fire by replying with some half ass witty remark to this post..
  12. Well just woke up and recovered (slightly) from the Paddingtons gig at The Tunnels last night/this morning. To start with i wasnt really up for it, stood up the back.. but after a feq tunes worked my way down to the front.. Great set and the lack of security made for an eventfull evening.. One guy trying to stop sbout 40 kids from moshing like its sunday and crowd surfing in a three deap Q.. nice still think im drunk.... YOu wannA DiE go On COMMit SuiCide..
  13. If not through word of mouth or recomendation how do you find out about things? Matters not who i heard that poem from, do you critisis my like of Emily Dickinson "poet" because i was introduced to her works by a begger or is it just Pete Doherty?
  14. I knew a simple soldier boy Who grinned at life in empty joy, Slept soundly through the lonesome dark, And whistled early with the lark. In winter trenches, cowed and glum, With crumps and lice and lack of rum, He put a bullet through his brain. No one spoke of him again. You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye Who cheer when soldier lads march by, Sneak home and pray you'll never know The hell where youth and laughter go.
  15. The Tears are a poor mans Suede who are a poorer mans (insert shit band here).. I was luck enough to be backstage before the concert as i was there to see Stephen Fretwell. I managed to blag my way as i found out he'd not be performing on stage but instead backstage.. Cant believe he came all the way to Aberdeen and not play infront of everyone!!! Anyway Butler and Bret were there mincing about, and i went to speak to Butler and he was a total fud...
  16. I think the song is a great departure from the more recent songs on Silent Alarms.. The chorus is a catchy little ditty .. Who cares about the video... If its not "Thriller" or any of the Girls Aloud videos eh who cares..
  17. http://www.nme.com/news/babyshambles/21139
  18. cup-o-soup I bought 3 cup-a-soups for 1.. and the Kanye West album
  19. If anyone's interested... Radio 1 tonight have live sets from FORWARD RUSSIA, ARCADE FIRE and ARCTIC MONKEYS.. Sorry not sure of the time but check the website or summit..
  20. eh It was a really good day.. They had a big marquie tent in the car park, porta loo's and a little bar.. There were quit a few folk there (bout 1000 or so) Ended up with War Paint all over my mush.. Ack well.. Jools Holland tonight..
  21. Are you off your mellon... the Belmont chipper is totally ding.. If you were round those parts theres only one place to go.. Lionels.. chicken pakora 'n' sause.. bingo And anyhoo if your going to go that far up town might i suggest "Big Boys" on Holburn Street.. that places is top notch.. Ba'donk'a'donk
  22. I was in Superdrugs! and i noticed there selling this juice drink by Panda something and its Jelly & Ice-Cream flavoure... Its bizzare but strangly quite nice... But you dont half look like a spud walking down union street suppping of bright pink juice in a funk little bottle... Anyone else tasted this...? (i know you'll be in Superdrugs tommor buying up some)
  23. This is more of a random event... Me and a few pals were at The Lemon Tree, at one of The Death Disco nights.. There was about 6 people in the whole place. Just Alan McGee, glass of wine in hand and a set of decks infront of him. It was boring as hell, so we decided to see how many packets of T-Bone Steak Roysters we could much our way through.. 32 packets... Why did they stop selling them... why? Nothing better than a good gig a pint of San M and some T-Bone Steak Roy's...
  24. i was in Asda getting my shopping, up at the checkout.. I had a single chocolate muffin, a micro meal for 1, a small salad and a scot adds.. ChecKout Operator: "I bet you 5 your single" Me: "How can you tell, does my shopping give it away?" ChecKout Operator: "No, its because your an Ugly Bas%%"
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