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Posts posted by stevealex35

  1. Metropolitan presents...

    Cast of the Capital

    Cast of the Capital formed during summer 2005. They are a band from Aberdeen, Scotland, which plays Indie rock music. Inspired by the places they have been, the people they have met, and most of all, their love of music. For fans of Death Cab For Cutie, The Shins, Stapleton, Stars...


    The Marionettes

    Four piece Indie Pop outfit from Aberdeen. Achieved recent success in the Wizard festival heats and are set for big things in years to come. For fans of Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys etc...



    Local female artist who also performs in local Soul and Rock act Something Borrowed.


  2. I'm looking to spend around 400-500 on a good quality combo amp for gigging with.

    I was going to buy a Fender Blues Deluxe from GAK for 479 but thought I'd see if I could pick up something better quality, second-hand for the same price.


  3. Go Faster...


    formed in the summer of 2006 in Liverpool to write pop songs about rubbish jobs, daytime television and STD's. Since then we have released our debut single, toured the UK with The Wombats, been championed by Steve Lamacq (Radio1, Radio 6) and John Kennedy (XFM), and played a riverbound gig on the Mersey Ferry. That was super! Here are some nice things people have said about us:

    "The most exciting band to come out of Liverpool in the last year."

    - Gigwise.com

    As long as bands are willing to experiment in this way we'll all have a rosy future" Artrocker

    "Brilliant new wave punk" - NME

    Elle Sappelle...


    Elle s'appelle is GCSE French for 'She is called'

    'Like Mates of State covering XTC and Billy Joel with occassional Freddie Mercury vocals. Absolutely awesome' - Thanks Hanks

    As a friend of mine said Its as if they just picked out a melody from my head and started playing it. - Owen McKeon

    Cast of the Capital...


    Cast Of The Capital formed during summer 2005. They are a band from Aberdeen, Scotland, which plays indie music. Inspired by the places they have been, the people they have met, and most of all, their love of music.

    "More Indie than Indie; excellent lyrics, touching and really down to earth..." - RoomThirteen

  4. Cast of the Capital


    Cast Of The Capital formed during summer 2005. They are a band from Aberdeen, Scotland, which plays indie music. Inspired by the places they have been, the people they have met, and most of all, their love of music.

    Juliet Kilo


    Formed in 2004, Juliet Kilo are four young men from Dundee, Scotland. They play progressive rock/indie, and have been compared to many bands (fittingly or not).

    The Marionettes


    4 peice upbeat Indie pop band from Aberdeen

    First band on stage 8.00pm

  5. Hi,

    Am thinking about upgrading the pickups on my Fender P bass. Was wondering if any one could offer any advice on which ones to consider? Really like the bass guitar tone on Death Cab For Cutie's album "we have the facts and were voting yes". Don't know if simply a pickup upgrade will help achieve this or not, thought it may be worth a try!



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