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Posts posted by Davey_sc

  1. Saw it a few days ago. After what I had heard I was expecting it to be kack, but it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Audrey Tautou is undoubtedly hot. That was my main observation.

    Y'know when Bettany's monk charcter jumped out and grabbed Hanks, my mate Ben jumped and shouted 'SHIT!'. (that would be ben1903 from here). Hilarious.

  2. The gravity blast consists of two different "parts"

    1. You drop the stick on both the rim and drum head for a rimshot but let your hand pull the stick down further' date=' using the rim as your pivot point.

    2. "Snap" the stick back up yet again using the rim as a pivot and gain a second strike on the upstroke, making two strikes in total for the one full motion.


    That is awesome. *goes away to try in absolute vain*

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