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Posts posted by Rickicaz1279

  1. ok i know this doesnt really apply to me as i am 18 but...

    for some reason cafe drummonds has now decided that a " new law " has been passed that means no one under the age of 18 can go there to have a drink ( non alcholic obviously ), or play pool, or whatever, unless there is a gig on! now...me and a small group of my friends hang out at drummonds almost every day, we do buy our drinks usually irn bru, or coke or something like that, and tip endless amounts of 50ps in the pool table.

    i can find nothing on the internet about this supposed " new law "

    are drummonds s******* us to stop us going there every day? or what....its very confusing,

    as i said it doesnt affect me but still...would very much like to know

  2. it may be standard, but its still not enough.

    i couldnt believe the lacking of sound at kef last night for our set, ok so we did offer to go without a soundcheck because things were REALLY behind, but still, the sound engineer didnt turn our drums on till about the end of the first song, and still no one could hear them. didnt turn our guitarist gregor up ( maybe because of blown speaker? ) so no one could hear him either....and my vocals werent very loud either...pah, still had an amazing time, and i think everyone else did to!

  3. yes theo is much better suited to ascension than scorge, and i think scorge does do a good job in spike pile driver

    and i agree with the critisizm of my vocals on the new mp3s, i do need a lot of practice to live up to power metal standards, but id still say i was a pretty good vocalist and im suited to my band :)

    yes i hope a lot of you at least come and listen to a few of our songs at kef on friday, it would be good to see some people there who havent seen us live since the atrocity of our old lineup

  4. ok yeah so im a little late at posting this lol, only just notcied it,

    a while ago someone said Ascension doing a MMW song?

    lol, i like my minds weapon and as the singer of ascension, i personally would probably do that LOL.

    unfortunatly the rest of my band mates are not to keen on that style of music...

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