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Posts posted by Rickicaz1279

  1. good luck trying to find good power metal musicians in aberdeen, quite hard to come by. currently my band Ascension are the only pro-active gigging and recording power metal band in aberdeen

    MySpace.com - Ascension - Are gig hunting everywhere! - Aberdeen, Scotland - Metal / Metal / Metal - www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

    Should come see us live sometime, we play quite a lot and our live performances faaaar outstretch the recordings =]

    maybe when you get haarbringer up and running we can get you's on a gig with us or something

  2. I think my mate Murdo at work might have played in Risactonia? not sure lol

    I know we arent thrash metal, but my power metal band Ascension - MySpace.com - Ascension - Are gig hunting everywhere! - Aberdeen, Scotland - Metal / Thrash / Trance - www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

    Are putting on a Metal night at the tunnels on thursday 26th May, and we're looking for some good metal bands to play to.

    If your up for it send us a message on the myspace as soon as pos. Youll have fun playing live with us, we're fucking full of energy, and it sounds like you guys are to :p

  3. Ok so heres the deal

    im already the singer in a band here called Ascension MySpace.com - Ascension - Aberdeen, UK - Metal / Other - www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

    but i need another band to fill the void in my musical life, because ascension play my other passion, power metal! and the vocals there are pretty epic

    i want to join a tight band, well established or not, in the form of everything from trivium - as i lay dying - the devil wears prada - drop dead gorgeous

    something fast and heavy as fuck, like a hardcore metal band, sort of all that remains style

    i cant really explain this well, im willing to scream, and im willing to whine in any emo band you can throw at me lol.

    just hit me back through this or


  4. Hey guys

    As most of you know im Ascensions lead singer, but im starting up a wee side project

    to bring out some of my other talents.

    The band i am looking to form is a hardcore metal band influences from Killswitch engage, underoath, as i lay dying, The devil wears prada, from autumn to ashes, shit like that.

    im an experienced guitarist myself, and my friend kelly ( yes shes female ) will be fronting the band, as vocalist ( and no its not whiney stuff we want to play, shes a screamer ;) hehe )


    i need a guitarist around the ages of 16 - 22 preferably with about 4 - 5 years plus experience, dont need to be an amazing shredder or anything, just fairly decent!

    also looking for a bass player around the same age, again, dont have to be brilliant, but confidence, and at least a couple of years experience would be a desire

    we MAY have a drummer, but if you really want to get into this kinda music, and your quite skilled on the tubs, DEFINATLY give me an email :)

    also lastly, we may want a keyboard player in the band, not to do to much, mostly something to back the music to give it that extra atmosphere and of coure some funky stuff here and there where we think it would fit :p hehe

    so yes, if you think you wanna fit any of these roles please email me at


    Friendliness and patience is a virtue also i may add =]

    and if your extra keen, we want to cover " Dogs can grow beards all over " By The devil wears prada, so if you can play/learn it easily, it would be pretty good :p


    ciao for now!

  5. Hey guys! time for ALL DAY 3 at kef this sunday

    Headlining are Aberdeens power metal outfit, Ascension.

    also playing are a fine a mix of local talent, Enrapture, Psykotika, Nice for flowers, Forever tied, Unification, Forgotten shadow and firing line

    This should be a great gig guys! and what else ya gunna do on a sunday, go to church? XD

    tickets are 5 advance from the band, or 5+ at the doors

    doors are at 4:15pm

    Hope ya'll can make it! and see you there

    Ricki Ascension

  6. i swear to god , if i hadnt been feeling so ill i wudda bitchslapped that mutherfucking sound guy back to college! he was TERRIBLE!!! i dont think i want to play tunnels again until they get someone else. we played there so often that jenny knew exactly what settings we need, this guy....was atrocious, we asked for gregor to be turned up a little, and he cranked it up about 4 notches, drums were quiet as hell, i couldnt here a dam thing. euch, terrible! i beleive all the bands suffered due to lack of the sound guys experience

    btw, sound guy, if your reading this. im sure its just lack of experience with the tunnels set up (lol)

    anyways, it was for charity, and the money was raised, and thats what mostly matters

  7. lol i dont know about screaming, but aye there will be a good few people there, im mostly interested if people just show up, even if its not for the bands, but for the banter. stroke awareness is a charity im 100% for, as my brother in law recently suffered a stroke.

  8. dude your in for a treat, ascension have changed dramatically, im the new singer...and my good buddy theo is the new drummer, we certainly have come on leaps and bounds since the old ascension, hope you will be pleasently surprised. shud check out our myspace www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

    and yeah we will stick around for you, thats what its all about man! really looking forward to this gig.

    and yeah i never noticed it till now, but yeah basically ascension and abdysma have swapped round. shud be a nice night of metal, shud raise a lot of money for the stroke awareness fund

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