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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. I hate my pets!

    My 2 dogs decided to try and kill each other on christmas morning. I got in the way and recieved a bite on my leg. It bled a lot is quite swollen and has resulted in me walking with a limp.

    Also I bought them both presents and they got me nothing!

  2. I hate littering also but some places have a severe lack of bins which drives me mental. Shopping centres and train stations are a nightmare if you've just eaten a load of pre packed food and you've got nowehere to put your rubbish. If anything, I try and leave it on a seat if I have to, since the cleaners usually come round with their rubbish scooper and a bin on wheels.

    Terrorists have ruined everything for everyone. Bins. We're not allowed bins anymore. And Balaclavas/Ski Masks. What a handy garment to stop the hail stones from pummelling your face. But when in one, you look like you're about to bomb a bank, and you'll get some meathead giving you a citizens arrest by smashing your head into the pavement. So, cheers for that.

    The thing that annoys me is when you see someone chucking there cigarette out of a car window.

    Every car I have ever been in had had an ashtray. Use that then empty the bloody thing when you get home.

  3. I've never heard anyone call it a serious. That sounds painful.

    I hate people who walk slow down city centre pavements, or just come to an unexpected stop. Union Street should have a pavement running directly down the middle, called the NO DICKING ABOUT LANE, so I can walk from one part of Union St to the next without having to slowly zigzag through old folks, and people who want to just stop to look at some of the useless crap they've just bought.

    I was in Asda this morning. You know those moving walkways that take you upstairs in the Garthdee branch.

    If you have a basket you should continue to walk up the bloody things and should only be allowed to stand still on them if you have a trolley due to them being secured by the actual walkway.

  4. I have a tshirt with R2-D2 embracing an ewok on it. I always glow with pride when I wear it.

    That sounds amazing!

    R2-D2 is, of course, officially the best character in the entire saga.

    I bought the Ewoks movies on DVD but haven't had the courage to watch there for fear or ruining my fond memories of them.

  5. Another one that boils my piss and it seems to be a North East thing - is the use of "wandering" for "wondering" - e.g. "I was wandering what time you're*** coming round tonight"

    I hate something similar.

    I had a mate at school that would call a TV series a "serious".

    I have met a few people who do this. I want to snap there thumbs off!

  6. Please, don't get me started on X Factor.

    X Factor cunts.

    I hate it when people come up to you and ask "Did you see X Factor/Pop Idol/Britains Got Talent/BB/whatever reality based bollocks they come up with next, last night?"

    I reply, "No I don't watch shite!"

    And they then go off on a 10 minute speech about how great it is and what I missed last night!

    I'm not interested, fuck off!

    If people don't know me well enough to have anything decent to talk about I would rather they didn't speak to me at all.

  7. Just wondering if anyone has been able to get into Vault 87.

    I get near it and the rads jump to 676 per second and I'm toast.

    I have tried Radiation suits and Advanced Radiation suits but I still end up fried.

    Also I can't find a couple of missions. The only 1 I remember at the moment is "You have to shoot them in the head!"

    Anyone know where it starts and who I should talk to?

  8. I played this for the first time at a mates house.

    He was just telling me to be careful because there was a witch nearby but just as he got to the part where he said "don't shoot at it", I had just thrown a pipe bomb.

    It ran at us in flames and screaming.

    We died.

  9. Sandi Thom, Amy McDonald and some guy from the Joseph X Factor type show (he didn't even win...) at the Castlegate. Doesn't get much better (/worse) than that....

    Also keep in mind that the castlegate will be filled with 12 years olds walking round, gettin wasted by drinking weak vodka out of coke bottles and generally being twats!

  10. Apologies for hijacking a vaguely related thread, but has anyone noticed the Mahjong's penchant for generating unsolvable layouts?

    This is unsolvable because you cannot free the top one as the other 3 possibilities are underneath it. It comes up with this scenario surprisingly often!

    Yeah that happens to me all the time.

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