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Posts posted by Lucius

  1. Do you actually have every console every made, ever?

    No not quite.

    Never owned a Master System, 3DO, Atari5600, Game Gear, Saturn or Neo Geo.

    Actually I never knew anyone who had a Neo Geo just people who use to crowd into Solid Gold on Holburn and play it there.

    I hated that shop....always too crowded.

    I have quite a history of being an antisocial and obsessive gamer. One summer by Granny was moaning that I never went outside so I took the Atari and a portable TV into the garden. I could barely see the screen because of the sun but I didn't let that stop me.

    Sorry I distracted myself and started rambling and went off subject.

  2. At the hotel I work in we get the British Airways crew staying with us. There contract says they can withdraw money from us.

    Last week one of them asked for "British notes" and I lost it. :swearing:

    I Pointed out, very angrily, that they were all "British" notes.

    He just looked sheepish and apologised.

    Sorry, this wasn't much help.

  3. How about prising yourself out of your festering wank-pit and going for a nice walk in the fresh air?! :laughing:

    You and I both know thats not gonna happen.......anyway fresh air smells funny!

    Turns out its something to do with the ethernet port.

    I'm just going to have to send it away and wait for it to be repaired.

    Just glad its not the harddrive as if I had lost all my saved games I would actually break down and cry.

  4. I turned on my xbox this morning and got a single red light flashing.

    Contacted Xbox support but what am I suppose to do with the rest of my day?

    Anyone had single red light experience and feel like cheering me up with some good news stories about how easy it was to fix?

    At least its not RROD I suppose. Already lost 1 console to that.

  5. If its a single player game I lean more towards the PS3 these days if it's a dual format. Mainly because of how much quieter and nicer the PS3 runs.

    The noise wasn't an issue once I installed Fallout 3 on my Xbox.

  6. I finished reading it for the first time this morning and saw the film this afternoon.


    I do recommend reading it first though. I don't think I would have enjoyed it so much if I hadn't.

  7. Buy both then you can enjoy hi def movies that aren't obsolete.

    I have both and I hate my PS3.

    All its good for is being a glorified dvd player.

    Any game that is available on both formats is almost always better on Xbox360.

  8. Finally got the last few achievements this morning.

    Technically I cheated because I just kept going through the same conversation with someone to get the 50 speech challenges I needed.

    Roll on the 24th so I can get my hands on the next DLC.

  9. I inadvertently said the gayest thing I've ever said in my life during Samurai Fury's set. I turned to my girlfriend (no less) and said "That singer is in great shape. Every time he sings you can see his stomach muscles rippling".

    You turned to me and said that as well. I just chose to nervously laugh and try and forget you ever said it.

    My first ever Fudge Awards and enjoyed every second of it.

    The Lorelei had always been on my list of bands I wanted to see but never got round to.

    I am now a huge fan....you were amazing.

  10. I went in to see the Wrestler the other week.

    I really enjoyed it, although the whole time I was watching it I couldn't help but think of the Jake The Snake part of "Beyond The Mat".

    A thinly veiled influence if ever there was one.

    I gave my non-wrestling fan friend my copy of Beyond The Mat after watchint The Wrestler with him.

    The Jake The Snake/Daughter relationship was obviously the inspiration for the Ram/Daughter scenes.

    I kept expecting her to produce a scrapbook and explain how it represents the veil her father hides behind.

    At least The Rams Daughter was hot.:laughing:

    I love Beyond The Mat.

  11. The Exhibition Centre one is a nightmare as well, I used to work night shift at the Holiday Inn next to AECC and every morning at 8am I'd try to come across the roundabout there and go straight ahead onto the Parkway, but I couldn't because everyone trying to go down Ellon Road was just parked right in the middle of the roundabout.

    You only had yourself to blame.

    If you ran out the door and drove home at 7 like I did you miss most of the traffic.

    You had to fuck about and eat hash browns didn't you!

  12. There should be more, they were one of the greatest musical adventures in history. I move to re-name this board 'Rocket From The Crypt Discussion' :up:


    Everytime I reset my Ipod I always make sure to put the Scream Dracula Scream album by RFTC back on there. Its amazing!

  13. Did you look like a little girl at the time?

    Bah outfoxed at last.

    Everytime I tell that story people just laugh and seem to forget that he likes little girls and not little boys.

    I got away with it for years but I bow to you attention to detail. Well done.

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