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Posts posted by Elizabeth

  1. Well, according to my essay question, in the last decade it's been suggested that's there's been an increase in male objectification by means of their representation in visual media. This question was last updated in 2007, though, and who knows when it was actually written.

  2. So, I was looking at the last page in 'worst taste in music' and there was a little bit of discussion, and then I thought, 'HEY! THAT FITS IN PERFECTLY WITH MY ESSAY FOR UNI'. So here I am. I made a poll, and if there's anyone who hasn't answered it already, then I'd greatly appreciate it if you did. I haven't put down any option other than if you yourself do or don't feel objectified by visual media, as that would complicate things. If you're up for some discussion, then that's cool too, just so long as you answer the question.

    Here's the link to the poll: Please Vote: Do you feel objectified by visual media (ie. advertising, TV shows, movies, magazines)?


  3. What Shaki said. I don't think I could get the amount of RTS or any of the older albums I'd like unless I'd seen him 10 years ago. Considering he was touring both the latest albums I think we got a pretty good deal set-wise. Although I'd have preferred for him to have taken Spektor on tour, I didn't actually mind the Kate girl doing You Don't Know Me. It's a bit of a tune and yeah. I missed her set and changed my ticket to a seated to avoid being a loner but I enjoyed the gig a lot. He's definitely still one of the best live acts I've seen.

  4. Apparently 'The Informers' is good. I don't know what it's about or anything though, but someone in my class is a big Ellis fan and they like that one as well?

    Just wiki'd it, apparently it's short stories?

  5. I'm scared that if I read American Psycho it'll make me throw up a bit, so instead I started Diving Bell and the Butterfly, 'cause it's small, I'm only like 50 pages in though, because I am slow. Next is Hotel World, or Lord of the Flies.

  6. I have a Vettriano silkscreen print in my room. It's inherited, otherwise I'd have never been able to afford it, but I'd like to add to it one day. There's the one hanging and another print of his I'd love to own.

    Apart from that, I have a print of a Hellboy drawing done by a guy I met at Comiccon that I need to get framed.

    Ridiculously jealous of your Vettriano owning. Silkscreen too. Corrr.

  7. Then there is the matter of unscheduled and unannounced "inspections," without you getting the choice of being there or not, or workmen turning-up with no notice whatsoever, for work you didn't even know about in the first place. Imagine the surprise of waking-up one morning, to find a guy in overalls at the end of your bed, telling you that a plumber is currently dismantling your bog, after letting themselves-in for a non-emergency bit of work.

    This sounds only a bit more dramatic than my student halls last year, but we had... roughly the same problems; A flat full of girls and we constantly had work-men and cleaning ladies coming into our flat at all hours with absolutely no notice. To be fair, I'm not sure if the laws are different in regards to giving notice with student halls, and they were very, very good at sorting stuff out if it was broken, but there was an awkward situation with one of my flatmates that could've easily been avoided had they given us even a half-hour notice that they were coming round and were going to go into our rooms.

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